15. Written in a number's fate

201 12 5

"We're going to be late to maths" Corbyn panted as we ran down the nearly empty hallway. The bell rang, signalling me and Corbyn were officially late. "Fuck" he groaned under his breath. "Nah, I'm not having it." I protested, not slowing down. "I'm not getting detention!" I complained. Corbyn sped up, taking my hand and pulling me along.

"We might have made it..." he gasped between heavy breaths. I swung the door open sharply, but regretted it when the whole silent class turned their heads to look at the mess Corbyn and I were.

"Ah, I'm so glad you boys finally decided to show up" the teacher remarked  half-sarcastically. "Although," she continued. "Jack, I'm afraid you'll have to be leaving us."
My eyes widened in fear. "But - miss?? I was only twenty two seconds late-"
She cut me off, rolling her eyes. "No, I mean you're no longer in this class." She corrected.

"Huh??" I responded, nervous. I had a pretty good idea of what she was referring to. I'd tried to lay low and hope no one looked at my old school record but I guess you can't always always get what you want.

The teacher cleared her throat, straightening out her pencil skirt. "What I mean to say is, you're moving classes. Apparently your old school rotated the curriculum differently, so you've already been taught everything we're currently learning. You're being transferred to a different math class!" She informed.

Corbyn turned to me, shocked. He leaned in towards my ear. "I can't believe you got me to do your math homework when you already knew it all! Why didn't you tell me you dickhead!!" He harshly whispered.

"That's why I did it - it was so boring to repeat!" I whispered back, letting out a little snort. "Don't blame me, blame the fool. Which is you, by the way" I added. I still couldn't believe I'd actually convinced Corbyn to do my math homework for me - it was hilarious!

My laughter was cut short by Corbyn subtly kicking me in the shin. "Ow!" I hissed, watching Corbyn hold back his laughter. The teacher cut in, interrupting. "As much as I'm sure we'd all just love to watch this little show of yours-" she began sarcastically. "-I have a lesson to teach, and you - Jack - have a class to get to. I suggest you get a move on to room 63."

I sadly nodded, giving Corbyn a pat on the back before I had to leave, but before I's had the chance to walk out the door Corbyn grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Seriously though bro, why'd you do it? Why'd you stay in this class when you already know all of this shit?"

I swallowed, nervous of my reply. "You want the truth? I stayed because of you. As soon as I met you I knew I liked you, and I didn't want to move and ruin the chance at a friendship with you. Eventually when we became friends every math lesson with you just became so fun - why would I have wanted to move into a random class filled with people I don't know when I had the best person ever in the one I was in? I tried to hide my cruel past of being ahead in maths, but I guess everything gets out." I joked, giving Corbyn a soft smile. He smiled back, letting go of my arm.

"Do me proud, son" he yelled after me, wiping a fake tear as I left the classroom and walked down the dreary halls of my high school.

As I turned the corner and was out of sight I let out a loud sigh. Just great. Now I'd have to face math lessons alone without my weird bean buddy. I was gonna be so fkin lonely. I guess that's the downside of having literally two friends.

I stopped walking outside the door that had the number 63 on it, looking at it fearfully. I took a deep breath before I swung the door open, revealing a whole silent class. My dramatic entrance earned some attention. Everyone's heads spun (almost in unison) to face me. This is just like what happened before. The only difference was that this time, Corbyn wasn't standing by my side, and that really terrified me.

"Ah, hello Jack!" The teacher greeted, getting up from her desk to meet me. She ushered me into the room and planted me at the front of the classroom. I looked at her with wide eyes, wondering why she had shoved me in front of a bunch of strangers to be stared at like some foreign object.

"Well go on, introduce yourself!" She urged. I looked in front of me, blinking. I could feel countless pairs of eyes on me, yet could focus on any faces. It was like my vision and mind were blurred. H-hello, I'm Jack, and I..." I trailed off, my mind going completely blank. I couldn't think of anything- not a single word to finish that sentence came to mind.

I glanced around the classroom, finally able to work at the nerve to look at the students sat in front of me. My eyes scanned rows of unamused faces, until they caught sight of a pair of soft brown orbs observing him. Those chocolate eyes belonged to no other than Zach Herron.

"And you what?" A boy from the back of the class yelled at me, bringing me back to my senses. Although, I still couldn't seem to rip my eyes away from Zach's. " And I..." I began again, this time more nervously. I still looked deep into Zach's eyes, as if asking for help. Zach gave a soft nod, as if reassuring me and urging me to go on. I nodded back at him, finally averting my gaze to look back at the class as a whole.

I regretted to admit that my mind was still void of a single word to follow up my sentence with, but judging by the irritated looks I was receiving I knew I had to say something, and so, with an empty mind and a dry mouth, I proceeded with my sentence.

"And I... math?" I finally spoke, confused. "And I math?" The same guy at the back mocked. "What are you, a VSCO mathematician?" He joked, causing the guy to the left of him to burst out into laughter. "And I oop! And I oop! AND I MATHS! SKSKSKS!" The second guy exclaimed through his laughter. Soon, nearly the whole class was laughing and I wanted nothing more than for the floor to open up beneath me and swallow me whole.

"Alright, that's enough!" The teacher interrupted, silencing the class. "We've wasted enough time as it is. Now, Jack you can take a seat right..." she scanned the room and her eyes fell on the only empty desk in the classroom. "Oh..." she mumbled, looking at the desk nervously.

"I- I guess you'll have to sit there..." she hesitantly forced a small smile of affirmation. The whole class looked at the desk wide eyed, as if it was a ticking time bomb. As soon as I sat down the room exploded with gasps and hushed whispers. I nervously looked around, wondering what everyone was going so crazy about. "What was so wrong with this desk?"

I stared down at the desk, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone around me when I suddenly noticed a pair of initials carved into the corner of the desk. I leaned in closer as my finger traced the letters engraved into the wooden desk.


Who was D.S.? Why was everyone freaking out about me sitting here? I looked around the classroom curiously, hearing fragments of quiet conversations floating around the room. "I can't believe he's sitting there!" "No one's sat there since Daniel-" "omg look at Zach-" "that desk has been empty since the day Daniel-" "do you think Zach's gonna cry or-"

"Silence!" The teacher commanded, disrupting the noise in the room. I filmed nervously, piecing together the information. This was Daniel's old seat, and no one had sat in it since he'd died. Everyone was worried about how Zach would feel about it.

I slowly turned around to look at Zach. His eyes were burning into my soul. Was he mad that I was sitting here? There was no where else to sit though! Maybe he wasn't mad... maybe it was just weird for him to see someone take Daniel's place...

As if Daniel was being replaced.

A/n: hey guys I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update but I had some important exams (one of them worth 40% of my grade) but I promise I'm back now with more regular updates so please don't give up on this book! Love you

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