17. New Team

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Zach's p.o.v.

I trudged my way along to gym, dragging my feet behind me as I did so. Having to walk through those doors again was going to be a nightmare - one that I wasn't excited to have to face. Maybe if I faked a paper cut or something I could-

"Mr. Herron!" A voice called from behind me. I turned around to see a large gym teacher standing behind me, his silver whistle dangling around his neck. His head was almost completely bald, but he was sporting a short patchy beard - if you could even call it that. It was more like outgrown stubble. Surely if I poked it I could get a cut and excuse myself from partaking in the gym lesson. Ok, now I just sound crazy.

"I'm coach Steve, and you're coming with me. I've been told to keep a close eye on you - make sure you don't try and escape, y'know, that sort of thing."
He walked up to me and lightly gripped my elbow to lead me to the locker rooms, as if he was scared that at any moment I might run away to safety.

He gave me a brief smile before swinging the door open and shoving me in. I groaned as I watched the door close behind me. Now I was really done for. I guess I'd just have to suck it up and partake.

Luckily I was late so most of the guys had changed and were already in the gym. I was thankful for this, as normally when I had to change I was always worried about the other guys being weird about it just because I'm... well, gay. When there's a bunch of guys with toxic masculinity changing around a gay guy it can be quite a hostile environment. As if I was interested in any of those dumbasses anyways. Like, I have standards, people!!

I finished changing and made my way out into the sports hall. I nearly stopped in my tracks when I noticed my class wasn't alone. For some odd reason, a few members of the baseball team were standing in front of them. Well fuck this, isn't this going to be fun? I sarcastically thought to myself.

I worked my way in to the crowd, trying to get lost between people so I'd be less evidently seen. Coach Steve, as he'd introduced himself as, was standing in front of my gym class, a wide smile spread across his face.

"Now class, you might be wondering why I have the baseball team with me today!" He cheekily exclaimed. Around me I heard a few groans, causing me to suppress a chuckle.

"Well, let me tell you, boy do I have a treat for you! I have selected the four best players from the baseball team, and from this lesson to the end of the term, you will be split into four teams, each baseball player being the leader of their team, and trained in various areas. By the end of the term each team will compete in a high intensity competition. The winning team's leader will get to choose a reward for the whole team to enjoy!"

The class seemed less angry at this adaption, yet my outlook on the situation was still set. Without hesitation, the coach stepped back and allowed the four players to come forth. I recognised the first player as Jonah Marais, the second player as Eben, the third player as-

Oh no, Mark....

I shook my head to clear my mind, trying not to focus on him. If I was in his team I don't know what I'd do. Probably wither up and die in a hole.

I didnt recognise the fourth player. "My two star players will get first pick on who they want in their teams. Step forward, Mark and Jonah."

The two stepped forward, beaming, although it looked as if Jonah was standing as far from Mark as possible. He discreetly took another step away from him, creating an even larger space between them. "I'll go first" Mark bellowed, scanning the room with his eyes. He pointed at a large male, beckoning for him to come over.

Jonah picked next, choosing without hesitation. My eyes followed the direction he pointed in, and landed on no other than Jack. Of course, wow. Of course cute curly boy just HAD to be in my gym class! If he didn't do a better job of staying away from me, his pretty face might get hurt. Wait a second, did I really just think that? "Pretty face"?

I hid behind the body of people in front of me as it became Mark's turn to choose again. "I'll take Jion" he informed. Without thinking, I let out a rather loud sigh of relief. Everyone around me turned to look at me with fear in there eyes. Oh no. I begged that Mark hadn't heard that.

"Who said that!?" He yelled. The people around me parted like the red sea. Fuck. Thanks a lot, guys. "Well well well, look who it is!" He smirked evilly. "Well Herron, since you're so excited about it, why don't you come be in my team?"

My little heart began rapidly beating out of my chest, going 100 miles an hour. My palms began sweating, and I felt as if I'd faint. A voice suddenly cut in. "Actually, it's my turn to pick, Mark." Jonah insisted. I looked over to him, confused. Jonah nodded at Jack, as if following an order from him. "We'll take Z dog!" He exclaimed. I released a deep breath, nearly collapsing with relief. I'd been saved! Oh, what a loving, merciful world we lived in.

Standing not too far behind Jonah, I could've sworn I'd seen a disappointed look on Eben's face. I brushed it off with the thought that Eben could've only wanted me on us team to taunt me. He was Mark's friend, after all...

I quickly ran to join Jonah's team, hiding behind him. I nervously stood by him, looking off to the side. "Thank you..." I whispered, not working up the nerve to look at him. He patted my shoulder. "Welcome to the team."

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