10. The day you left

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"Fuck" I cursed under my breath, touching the back of my head. As I pulled my hand away I noticed blood on my fingertips. I was back in my room by now, and it was approaching 3 in the morning. I carefully pulled off my hoodie, wincing at the pain. When it was off, I walked over to the mirror and turned my body. There was a large bruise on my back from where Mark had slammed me into a wall earlier that night.

My head began to spin, and I was loosing my balance. I walked over to my bed, not even caring to take my jeans off as I fell on to my bed. My vision slowly blurred, and my eyes began to flutter closed. Perhaps I needed to go to hospital, but I didn't want to go back after the last time I was there. No, that wasn't very good. Not very good at all...


"I'm... I'm sorry for your, erm... loss" the doctor said, leaning down to my level and patting my shoulder by means of consolance. I was sat on a hospital chair in a corridor, hunched over, head in my hands as my life crumbled. Yet around me, doctors and nurses still bustled left and right,  darting down the halls, helping people live, attending to those who will die...

I lifted my head up from in my hands, revealing my red and puffy tear stained face. "Must you remind me of it?" I tiredly questioned, my broken voice barely above a whisper.

The doctor cleared his throat awkwardly, looking down at his feet. He returned to his previous standing position. "Mr. Herron, I only mention it because I mean to fulfil a promise - a promise I made to Daniel, before his passing."

My head shot up to him, suddenly aware of his words. I watched him as he pulled out something from the large white pocket of his coat. He handed it to me. I cautiously accepted it, examining it.

It was a notebook with a plain black leather cover. I hesitantly opened to the first page. Sure enough, in familiar neat print his name was written. 'Secret property of Daniel Seavey'.

I released a strained breath, noticing my eyes had began to water. A strong pang of pain shot through my chest.

"It was his. He said you may do what you choose with it, his only wish was that it definitely got to you. He was very persistent on that."
The doctor softly smiled at me.

"Thank you" I quietly whispered softly closing it. I directed my attention away from the notebook, looking up to meet his sympathetic eyes. I gave him a weak smile of reassurance. He nodded, walking off.

When I saw that he was far and long gone, I pulled out my phone and dialled a number. After three rings, they picked up.

"Mom?" I asked, my voice still shaky. "Yes honey?" She replied, unsure. I could her the nervousness in her voice.
"C-can you come pick me up?" I asked, my voice wavering as I looked up and blinked away tears.
There was an uncomfortable silence until she finally spoke up.

"Is he..." she trailed off. Gone? I thought, finishing her sentence.
I bit down hard on my bottom lip as tears began streaming down my face. "Mm-hmm" I replied, knowing that if I tried to speak I would break down completely.

"I'm sorry baby, I know how much you loved him..."

Loved. past tense. Just because he was gone, it didn't mean I didn't still love him. The problem is I will always still love him. I will always love someone who's gone.

𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 | 𝐙𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥/𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now