6. Corb0ne

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"Wait here, I'll be right back" Corbyn assured, momentarily leaving me alone at an empty lunch table. I signed, sitting down. I hated being alone in a crowded cafeteria - let alone one I'd never seen before. I always fear people judging and labelling me. Loner. Weirdo. Sad. Pathetic.

Nearly five minutes had passed - which was long when you were painfully counting each damn second - when finally Corbyn had returned, dragging a tall brunette along with him. I looked the new stranger up and down, deciding wether I liked the look of him.

He was slightly tan, with soft eyes. He wore a sports jacket and, from what I had perceptively spotted, a thin and partially hidden necklace. He smiled sweetly, holding out a hand. "Hey, I'm Jonah" he greeted kindly, making sure to not make me uncomfortable.

I slowly smiled in response, strangely feeling as if I was already warming up to him. "Jack" I added, shaking his hand. Corbyn looked between us two, before speaking up.

"Right, well, now that you've introduced yourselves..." Corbyn paused, noticing neither of us were listening to him and were instead beginning to make our own conversation. He shrugged, sitting down and pulling a burrito out of his bag.

Jonah noticed Corbyn out of the corner of his eye and turned to look at him. "Hold up, where the hell did you just randomly pull a burrito from-
What the?? I'm sorry but I'm not following." Corbyn ignored Jonah, his eyes hungrily scanning his burrito. He dove in and took a massive bite.

"Hoooooooly shit. Jesus, slow the fuck down! You're literally inhaling it!" Jonah joked, playfully scooting away from Corbyn in shock. I snorted, watching Corbyn trying not to laugh while he had a massive mouthful of food in his mouth.

"Wooow Corbyn, really?" I questioned, rummaging through his bag. I pulled out a second burrito and me and Jonah nearly collapsed, unable to contain a second wave of laughter. Corbyn just rolled his eyes, stuffing more burrito into his mouth.

"I fook you unfer my wing, and fifth if how you treatf me?" Corbyn mumbled. I rolled my eyes playfully. "No sane person needs two random burritos in their bag" I retorted. "I gueff you got me there" Corbyn agreed.

A short silence passed over the table as Corbyn continued to make his way through his burrito and me and Jonah exchanged jokingly judgemental looks about it. "So, why were you late to lunch?" Corbyn asked, having finally finished his burrito. "Oh, it was just, umm... I guess I saw something happening in the halls. Some asshole" I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

Corbyn and Jonah exchanged a look. "Mark?" They both asked in unison.
"Who?" I questioned, confused. "Brown hair. Brown eyes. Baseball jacket. Group of minions." Corbyn briefly explained.

"Oh my gosh yes, exactly!" I exclaimed, noticing the description perfectly aligned with the guy I had earlier seen. "Anyways, he was picking on this gu- well, he was just picking on someone, and so I decided to confront him. Kind of humiliated him in front of his friends" I said, smirking proudly.

Corbyn and Jonah both shot me concerned looks. "You did what?" Corbyn asked, his tone grave. "Dude..." Jonah butted in. "Mark's on the baseball team with me. I know him. I know him well, and- trust me, he's not a force you want to reckon with...
He's got his minions everywhere, watching. Listening. You do something he doesn't like? He'll do something you won't like. The principal won't kick him out because of the shit state the school's in, but even still, it's not like anyone would be dumb enough to rat him out..."

Jonah shuddered, as if remembering something unpleasant. Corbyn laid a hand on mine. "Best to stay away. Stay safe. Don't get into Mark's trouble..."

"Don't get Marked."

𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 | 𝐙𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥/𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now