11. History

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Jack's p.o.v.

It had been a week since the party. I hadn't seen Mark since, but I hadn't seen Zach either. I hadn't been able to get him out of my head, and I kept wondering where he was. I'd heard he hadn't been at school. Was he ok?

Zach was such a mysterious person. I couldn't help but think about him. Wonder about his dark past. What had happened to him?

I was brought out of my thoughts by Corbyn shoving me. "Ow.." I whispered. He rolled his eyes, pointing at the board. "Pay attention to this class, Mrs. Goldberg is setting a history assignment and we get to choose our partners. I don't wanna be carrying this while project!" He joked.

"I did this topic in my old school. If anyone's gonna be carrying this project, it's gonna be me" I teased. Corbyn nodded, pleased. "As it should be, Avery. You still owe me for doing your math homework!"

"Heeey, I bought you a muffin for that! Besides, don't act like you didn't enjoy it!" I protested. "How could I not enjoy it!? It was algebra!! Literally the easiest thing to have ever been created!" He defensively pointed out. We both looked at each other, trying to keep a straight face, but we couldn't keep it in any longer. We both burst out in laughter.

"BOYS!" Mrs. Goldberg threatened, giving us a look of warning. Corbyn shot her an innocent smile. As soon as she turned back to the board, Corbyn leaned in close to me. "My house after school?" He questioned. I nodded. It would be the first time going over to Corbyn's house - we normally just went to Jonah's. Luckily it was last period so there wasn't long to wait till we were free from this hell. I watched the clock tick slowly by.

17 minutes.

15 minutes.

8 minutes.

5 minutes.

1 minute.

And finally the school bell had rung. Me and Corbyn grabbed our bags, stuffing our things in them before slinging them over our shoulders and running out of class. Once we were out of the school gates we let out big sighs of relief.

"To the rocket!" Corbyn announced, leaping towards his car. "You know, naming your car 'the rocket' is pretty lame, Corbyn" Jack teased. "Hey hey hey, you better watch out, Avery. I'm gonna be a rocket engineer for NASA one day!" Corbyn proudly proclaimed, sticking out his chest ironically.

"Whatever" Jack chuckled, climbing in to the passenger's seat of the dark blue convertible. Corbyn entered, securing his seat belt and turning the engine on. "Put your seat belt on" Corbyn sternly warned. "Pssh, yolo" Jack replied, sticking his tongue out at Corbyn. "Oh my gosh Jack, I don't care if it's a meme, just put your seatbelt on or so help me god I will turn this car around!"

"But the car isn't even moving...?" Jack questioned in a small voice. Corbyn rolled his eyes. "It's a figure of speech" he argued. "Yeah, a figure of speech when a car's moving-"

Both boys looked at each other for a moment, before bursting out with laughter. "You wanna say it with me?" Jack asked as he put his seatbelt on. "Sure" Corbyn agreed. Jack cleared his throat. "Always buckle up!" They said in unison.

"Can we go now?" Jack whined, waiting for Corbyn to start driving. Corbyn flashed him a wide smile, pulling the car out. "Your wish is my command."

𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 | 𝐙𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥/𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now