Chapter 2: Another School, Nothing Special...

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Rubbing the mark on my face where the door had hit me, this day had already turned out to be a bad day for me. Not that I was surprised, the first day of school was ALWAYS my bad luck charm, something was bound to happen. I was standing by my assigned locker when an old woman with gray hair in a bun walked up to me. "Hello there! You must be the new student. I'm the school's Principal. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions." She looked friendly with that big smile on her face. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Julia." I smiled back. "Well, it's nice to meet you too, Julia! Now then, if you're ready to begin registration, please head into the student council room over there and speak to the student body president. His name is Nathaniel, I'm sure you'll like him!" Principal Amzy pointed me to the room across from my locker and walked off. (I swear if she had been any happier, she would've skipped off instead.)

I entered the student council room and was greeted by a friendly looking blonde boy. "Ah, you must be the new student the principal mentioned. You're here for registration aren't you? If I recall correctly, you've already submitted your registration form..." He gave me a warm smile and then searched through the stack of papers for my registration form. "Here it is." He said and asked me to confirm that it was my form. I nodded and he replied, "Then all you need is a photo ID and $25." I stared at him in shock for a moment. Nowhere in the handbook had it said anything about a photo ID and $25. *Wait, maybe it did; maybe I just skimmed over it...* The golden haired boy must've noticed because soon afterward he said "Don't worry, you can get your photo ID at the office, so all you need is 25 dollars." *But I don't have 25 dollars...* I thought to myself. "Ok, then" I replied, and started towards the door. "Uh, wait!" he called to me. "I'm Nathaniel by the way. I hope you like it here." I turned to him and said "Well, it's nice to meet you Nathaniel." And with that, I turned back to the door and left.

After I had gotten my photo ID at the office, I walked back to my locker wondering how I was going to get that $25. When I got there, a boy who looked oddly familiar was standing right in front of it. As I approached, the boy turned to me and shouted "HEY, JULIA-CHAMA!" I instantly remembered, "Ken?! What are YOU doing here?"

(You see, I'm a loner. I do most things by myself, and I don't have many friends. Back in my previous school, a nerdy kid named Ken noticed me sitting in a corner of the playground all by myself one afternoon, so he decided to become my friend. He's more of a pain really... Since then, he was absolutely obsessed with me. I appreciated his concern, but he never left me alone when I wanted him to and he never stops talking either about me or chocolate cookies. He was so upset when he found out that I was moving away, and a small part of me felt sorry for him, but I was mostly relieved and excited to finally get away from that clingy freak. *Sorry Ken...* And now he's here! . )

"Remember when you moved away and I was so upset? Well, I found out that you're going to this school, so I transferred here just for you!" *Ken, that's just creepy...* "WHY?!" I shouted at him. His facial expression instantly turned from excited to sad. "Well, because...I like you, that's why!" He replied, going back to his usual self. "Hey listen, I heard you have no money for registration." *Ok, just WHERE did he hear that?!* "So, here! You can have my registration money!" he exclaimed with joy. Even though I don't really like him, I didn't want to take his money, so I kindly refused and then he said "Oh no, don't worry about it! This is just extra; I already paid for my registration!" After hearing that, I kindly said "Thanks, Ken. Well, I have to go register now, bye!" "Ok, SEE YOU LATER JULIA-CHAMA!" *Why does he have to shout like that?!* And with that, I made my way back to the student council room and finished my registration.

After my registration was finished, the rest of the day flew by so quickly, I didn't even realize it until the last bell rang. As I returned everything that wasn't needed for homework to my locker, I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Nathaniel walking toward me. "Oh, hi Nathaniel. What's up? Did I forget something on my registration form or something?" To that, he replied "No, no, not at all. I actually came because I thought you might want to go to the school library with me. After all, you're new here; a trip to the library might help you find your way around the school a little better. So, shall we go?" "Um..." I had to think about that for a moment. *I don't know, I don't really like books...* I was so deep in thought, (I know, I'm indecisive like that, don't judge me! XD) I had barely noticed that Nathaniel was looking somewhere behind me, but before I could ask what he was looking at, someone grabbed my hand and started pulling me in the other direction. "Slim, if it takes you that long to decide, you obviously don't wanna go." It was that red-haired boy again.

"What? No! I'm just indecisive!" I shouted at him. "Let go of her, Castiel!" Nathaniel tried to get him to release me, but the stubborn redhead just pushed him away and kept walking. I wanted to help him, but this so called "Castiel" just wouldn't let go of me. "Where are you taking me anyway?" I questioned him in an angry tone. "Somewhere way cooler than that dumb library." He replied with a smile, not seeming to care whether I was happy or angry with him at the moment. We finally stopped at a door at the top of the highest stairway. Castiel reached into his pocket and pulled out a key to unlock the door.

He opened it and pulled me outside onto the roof of the school. The view from there was amazing, I was left speechless. Castiel saw my facial expression and said, "It's awesome, isn't it?" The only thing I could think to say was "It's amazing, can see everything from up here." He grinned at that and replied "Now are you glad you came with me instead of going to that stupid library?" I laughed and said "Not that I really had a choice, you wouldn't let go of me if I begged you to." He chuckled and said, "Slim, I wouldn't have let go if you tried to bite my arm off." He was now laughing. "Slim...." I remembered today's little "incident" and then thought, *Oh great, now he's calling me slim. That's just perfect...* I must've looked depressed, because Castiel then said to me "What's the matter, don't you like your nickname?" "No, not really..." I replied, but then he said "Too bad Slim, you gave that nickname to yourself this morning." *Yep, it's ALLL my fault.*

We spent a good hour after that just talking and enjoying the amazing view. After that, I went home. Castiel had offered to walk me home, but I kindly refused. (There was no way I was going to let him see that I live alone...) Anyway, he just shrugged and walked away. All night long, I was thinking about my first day at Sweet Amoris high. *Maybe this day wasn't so bad. Maybe I would make some friends. Maybe there IS hope for me. Maybe....maybe this ISN'T just another school after all...*

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