Chapter 9: More Complications! >.<

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Over the next week or so, life continued as normal. I continued going to school every day and hung out with my friends. I questioned Castiel about the whole "I'm his" thing, but he would just blush and change the topic every time I brought it up. It was almost as if he wanted me to forget about it, but that just left me wondering even more. Nathaniel had finally started talking to me again. We just kept passing by each other in the hallway, the cafeteria, the library, etc., and we both knew it was gonna stay like that, so we might as well have started being friends again. I stayed FAR away from Lysander though. I didn't know him all that well; he's nice around other people, but from what I'd seen, I didn't know WHAT he'd do if he ever got the chance to be alone with me. So, I decided to take Castiel's advice. I never called him, I always avoided him when we passed by each other in the hallway, and I never even spoke a word to him.

Today was just another day. "Hey, Slim." Castiel greeted me with that sarcastic smile of his as I crossed the courtyard on my way to school. "Hey, Castiel." I replied, smiling back at him. *Wow, he's actually giving me the time of day to say 'hi' now! XD* I thought to myself as I made my way into the school. My morning classes went by as usual; boring lessons and ALL the homework that came with them. And as usual, I was so relieved once they were over. I returned everything to my locker and started towards the cafeteria for lunch. However, I had so many thoughts on my mind from all the homework that was given, and I wasn't really paying attention. I turned a corner and....*BAM!* I was on the ground. I knew I had bumped into someone again. I thought it was Amber and her friends, but when I looked up, I saw Lysander looking down at me, a look of irritation on his face.

I quickly stood up. "I'm sorry...." I apologized, refusing to look at him. I tried to walk around him, but he stepped to the side, blocking my path. Before I could do anything, he grabbed both my wrists and pushed me up against the wall. No one was around to see it, because everyone was at lunch. I suddenly got really scared; I didn't dare look at him. Lysander finally spoke. "You're avoiding me. I'd like to know why." Still looking away, scared out of my mind, I started to say "W-What? I'm not-" but he interrupted "Yes. You are. I know you ar-Look at me." He tilted my chin up with his hand, forcing me to look at him. His face was only inches from mine, and I could feel myself blushing. I tried to look away again, but he wouldn't let me. "See? You ARE avoiding me. THAT needs to stop." I didn't really know what to say; I was just so scared. "P-Please stop. You're scaring me...." Lysander grinned at me. "Really? I couldn't imagine why..." He leaned to the side and slowly ran his tongue up the side of my neck. I closed my eyes, "Mm..." He softly bit me, finishing off. Lysander looked at me again and said, "I want you to call me every night. And don't EVER avoid me like that again. Do you understand me?" I nodded, too shocked to speak. He grinned and pressed his lips against mine. "I'll see you later, darling." Lysander stood up and walked away, leaving me standing there, shocked. Well, I was shocked, confused; I didn't know WHAT I was. Too many emotions were running through me, and I couldn't think straight. *What just happened?!*

After I snapped out of...whatever I was just in, I had finally arrived at the cafeteria. As usual, Iris waved frantically at a table across the room, motioning me to sit with her. *Yes Iris, I know. I can see you....* I got my food and walked over to the table. As I sat down, she began her daily rant about 'who did what' and 'who's seeing who'. Of course, I wasn't listening to a word of it. I was too caught up in my thoughts about what happened just before lunch. What was Lysander trying to pull here? Did he think I was HIS? ** I was starting to see a pattern. "Julia!" Someone shouted my name. I nearly jumped. "Wha-?!" I looked over to see Nathaniel sitting next to me where Iris was just now. "Oh. Hi, Nathaniel. Where's Iris?" Nathaniel had a concerned look on his face. "She left minutes ago. You didn't see her?" When I didn't answer, his look of concern turned into worry. "Julia, are you ok? What's wrong?" "Nothing....." I replied, and quickly finished my food. By now, everyone had left and I wanted to get out of there before Nathaniel spoke again.

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