Chapter 20: My Favorite Song (Castiel's Ending)

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This was what I wanted; I knew it was. The first boy, no, the first anyone I ever talked to at this school was Castiel, whether he knew it or not. My first day at Sweet Amoris High. My first moments. That was when I met him.

He was the first person to ever talk to me (and not to mention, in that "conversation", came up with his infamous nickname for me... >.>). Ever since then, somehow, our relationship only grew stronger, and before we knew it, we were in love.

And all it took was a clueless girl who asked a bad boy for directions.


Castiel walked up to me and yanked me into his arms, pulling me as close to him as possible.

"I knew you would choose me...I love you so much, baby..."

"I love you much..."

"...I knew it...I KNEW IT!"

All of a sudden, Nathaniel exploded. Castiel and I just stood there and stared; it was so unlike him...

"I KNEW I shouldn't have let you near him! I KNEW I shouldn't have let HIM near YOU! But no! I just stood there like an idiot and watched him drag you away from me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!"


Castiel threw his fist at Nathaniel, punching him right in the face! ....Hard.

Nathaniel was immediately knocked to the ground.

"YOU'RE the one trying to take Slim away from ME!"

He kicked him hard in the ribs, making Nathaniel scream in pain.

"Castiel, stop!"

I couldn't let this go on; I mean, of course Castiel was right, but NO ONE should be getting hurt! Not to mention that Nathaniel was still weak in the ribs because of Lysander!

I desperately grabbed Castiel's arm, trying to pull him away. Thankfully, even though I couldn't budge him, he listened and left Nathaniel alone.

"I hope you learned your lesson!"

As he took a moment to calm down, I turned to look at Lysander, who hasn't said anything since before I made my decision. He was just staring at the trees, mumbling to himself. I could tell he was distracted by something...

*Maybe he knew...* I thought to myself. *Maybe he knew I would choose Castiel...and was just waiting until I said it.*

And then, suddenly, he just walked away.


I never expected Lysander, of all people to just leave like that...

"Hey..." Castiel put his hand on my shoulder, turning me to face him.

"...Let's go home, Slim..."


"Home, Slim. With me."

I couldn't help but blush. I just now remembered that Castiel said he wanted me to live with him when all of this was over.

" you sure-?"

"I don't want you living by yourself, Slim..."

He leaned in closer...

"I need you with me..."

....and he kissed me.

I swear, that was the sweetest thing that boy had ever said to me. And that kiss, well...he made it impossible not to say "yes."

My Favorite SongWhere stories live. Discover now