Chapter 6: Storm

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I woke up the next morning feeling relatively happy and well-rested, something I haven't felt for a LONG time. All my worries seemed to have faded away, and for once, I was a little energetic at THIS time of day. I got out of bed and cheerfully got ready for school. I made my way out the door and down to the lobby. (I have that kind of apartment building) *I'm so happy today, nothing can get in my way!* I thought to myself as I exited the apartment building with a smile on my face.

I had just stepped onto the courtyard when a voice called out to me. "Hey, you! Slim!" I looked over to see an angry Castiel stomp over to me. "What?!" I shouted back at him. He grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him. "How dare you?! As if bailing on me wasn't enough!" I got angry as well. "What do you mean?! What did I do?!" I tried to pull away from him, but his grip was too tight. "Don't play dumb with me! You told Nathaniel about what happened yesterday didn't you?! You told him I signed you up for basketball, so he switched you to gardening!" I was getting really angry now. "No I didn't! I didn't say ANYTHING to Nathaniel! I only told Iris, and that's ONLY because she kept bothering me about it!

"Okay, so you told Iris, the girl who CAN'T KEEP a secret!" Castiel was in my face now. I shouted back at him "I said that's ONLY because she wouldn't stop asking! I never meant to tell anyone! Now let me go! I'm gonna be late!" I finally managed to yank my arm out of Castiel's grip and started to leave when he shouted "Whatever! Enjoy your plants while you can, Slim, but I WILL get you back in basketball!" With that, he walked off and I continued on my way to class. *So much for my morning happiness....*

The morning classes were about the same as usual. I got tons of homework with barely any time to take in what I've learned, like always. *Oh least now it's lunch time.* I returned my books to my locker and went to lunch.

I went to the cafeteria and got my lunch. I saw Iris waving at me from an empty table. "Hey, Julia! Over here!" Man, did I have SOMETHING to say to her! "Iris! I rushed over, sat down, and then practically exploded on her. "Why?! Why did you have to tell Nathaniel that Castiel signed me up for basketball?!" She looked at me surprised for a moment, and then became angry too. "What?! I was just doing what I thought YOU wanted! You obviously didn't want to be in basketball, so I had Nate switch it for you!" A few people looked at us; apparently we were being too loud. I calmed down a bit and talked to Iris again. "Yeah, a LOT of good that did me. Castiel HATES me now, thanks to you!" To that, she asked "Why do you even care?" *Yeah....why DO I care?* I thought to myself. Iris continued, "In any case, I doubt he hates you. What did he say?" I thought about what Castiel said this morning. "He said he's going to get me back in basketball club....and it sounded like he meant it too." Iris looked away for a moment.

"Ah, see, that's what I thought. Nathaniel's in gardening club." I looked at her, confused. "So?" She replied by saying, "Listen, I know that Nate likes you...but he HATES Castiel. And when he found out that you were spending more time with Castiel in the basketball club.....he nearly lost it. Nathaniel wanted to get you in the gardening club and away from Castiel as soon as he could." I looked at her, interested in what she had to say. "The same goes for Castiel." she continued, "He wants to get you back in the basketball club and away from Nathaniel as soon as he can. Think about it." I looked away for a moment. I'm not the 'fastest' person in the world, but even I knew what she meant. Nathaniel and Castiel were fighting.....over me. *This can't POSSIBLY end well...* I thought to myself.

After lunch, I spent my free time with Ken. I wasn't really up for studying with Nathaniel and I SURE wasn't in the mood to talk to Castiel. Not after he blew up in my face that morning. "SO JULIA-CHAMA, DO YOU LIKE COOKIES?!" Ken shouted at me. "Ken, for the last time, I'm RIGHT NEXT to you! There's no need to shout.....but yeah, I like cookies." I just sat on the ground next to Ken outside and shared cookies with him as he talked endlessly about sweets.

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