Chapter 14: The Next Level (Part 1)

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*AGH!* No matter how I tried, I just could NOT fall asleep; not with all the thoughts speeding through my head. And now, the guilt of leaving Nathaniel was haunting me as well.

There was something I had to do about this; THAT, I knew for sure. I checked to make sure Castiel was asleep before getting out of bed and quickly (but quietly) walking towards the door. *Wait...what if Nathaniel isn't there anymore?*

I suddenly realized that there was a good chance that he had left already. He didn't seem hurt enough to be unable to leave on his own when I left him. I knew that I could be wasting my time if I tried going back to find him, so I decided to try and call him to make sure he was ok.

I grabbed my phone and went out into the hallway, so as not to disturb Castiel. However, when I tried answer. I was a little worried, so I tried calling a few more times. Still no answer. After trying another two times, I received a text message.

"Stop calling me."

*Nathaniel! O.O* Without thinking, I quickly shot back a text of my own.

"Are you ok?"

After no response, I just stood there, staring at my phone, waiting for a reply. I was just about to give up and go back to bed when my phone suddenly buzzed again.

"....I'm alright. As long as you're safe...."

Hearing that, I was relieved.

"I'm fine. I'm glad that you're ok..."

I was just going to put my phone away again when one more text was received.

"Ok then. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night."

With that, I smiled and went back to bed. This time, I was able to fall asleep instantly; no thoughts at all. *Yes...! -w-*

*BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!* I was woken up to the sound of an irritating alarm clock. (Then again, what alarm clock ISN'T irritating?) I turned it off and looked at the time; 7:30 a.m. *Oh...Castiel must've set the alarm for school...*

Regardless of the fact that it was time to get up for school, I was still extremely tired. *How long did I stay up last night?* I was too tired to even remember THAT much. Nevertheless, I fought to stay awake and tried to wake Castiel up as well.

"Hey Castiel, get up." I whispered, gently shaking him. "Ngh..." he groaned, and turned over, obviously still half-asleep. "C'mon Castiel..." I tried again. "It's time for school." Without turning to face me, he replied "We're not goin to school today..."

"What? But we have to..." I said to him.

"No we don't.


He sat up and finally turned to face me, then said "Two reasons. One, I'm not getting up at this ungodly hour for school, and you're not either; not after staying up all night. Two, tell me how you're gonna go to school wearing that." He pointed to my clothes....except they weren't clothes. *Ah! I'm still wearing my pajamas! OaO*

It was only then that I remembered that I had just been getting ready for bed when Lysander called. I only had my pajamas and my sweater jacket (no shoes either!), and I highly doubted that any of Castiel's clothes were going to fit me.

"That's what I thought." Castiel grinned at me and laid back down. I just sat there, unsure of what to do next. After a few moments, Castiel sighed and spoke again. "Lay down, Slim. You need your rest."

He reached out and wrapped his arms around me, then pulled me down next to him. Another few minutes passed, and he was asleep again. Unfortunately, I couldn't do the same. *Lucky....*

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