Chapter 7: A New Friend?

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The morning after that, I woke up in my room, my bed. *How did I get here? Ah, whatever. I'm too tired to care.* I just laid there and closed my eyes. I was about to fall asleep when I felt someone breathing on me. I looked behind me and saw Castiel laying right there next to me, sleeping, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. *How did I not notice that? And why is he still here?* I tried to pull away from him carefully so that I wouldn't wake him up, but as soon as I made the slightest move, I was yanked back towards him, effortlessly. "Mornin', Slim." Castiel whispered into my ear, grinning. I could feel myself blushing. "W-what are you doing here?!" Castiel chuckled. "Don't you remember, Slim? You invited me here yesterday." *Well, I didn't really INVITE you, you just sort of dragged me home.*

"Well, I didn't say you could SLEEP with me!" I shouted at him and sat up, finally managing to get his arm off me. Castiel grinned at me, saying "Hey, you're the one that fell asleep on ME, remember?" I suddenly remembered everything that happened the night before. I fell asleep on Castiel (literally), without even thinking. Castiel continued, "After you fell asleep, I turned off the movie and carried you to bed. It was storming out, and I wasn't gonna go through it just to get home. And..." I interrupted him, saying "And what? You HAD to fall asleep next to me?!" He just looked at me for a moment, then reached his hand out and held my face, leaning towards me. Grinning again, he said, "'re so cute when you're angry, you know that?" And before I could do or say anything, he leaned in all the way and gently pressed his lips against mine.

We just stayed there, Castiel holding me as close to him as possible. I was so shocked at first; I didn't know WHAT to think. I just closed my eyes and slowly wrapped my arms around him. After a few moments, I suddenly realized something. I quickly let go of Castiel. "What's wrong?" he asked me. "What time is it?!" I shouted, checking the time. 9 a.m. Castiel just sat there and watched as I scrambled to my feet and around the room. "I am SO gonna be late for school!" I continued to run around until Castiel grabbed my arm and yanked me back down onto the bed. "Slim." I looked up at him. "What?" "Today's Saturday." he continued, grinning at me. I started to calm down. "Oh..." That was all I could think to say. Castiel chuckled. "Silly girl." I felt REALLY stupid. How could I not know what day it was?

Suddenly, Castiel's cell phone started to go off. He picked it up and answered, "Yeah?" I stared at Castiel, wondering who he could be talking to. I could hear a faint voice on the other end, but I wasn't sure who it was or what they were saying. Castiel eventually spoke again. "Yeah, sure. I'll be right there." He looked at me for a second and then looked back. "Hey, can I uh....bring a friend?" I could've sworn I heard the person on the phone say, "No." Castiel just chuckled. "Too bad." He hung up and looked at me. "Get ready, Slim." I smiled and questioned him. "Where are we going?" He just grinned at me. "To meet a friend."

I was still in my school outfit from yesterday, so I got up and changed into a casual black T-shirt and jeans. I brushed my hair up into a neat ponytail and put my shoes on. Castiel didn't take long to get ready, all he had to do was fix his hair, get his shoes on, and throw on his leather jacket, and then we were out of there. I locked my apartment door behind me and exited the building with Castiel. He led me to a certain area in the park that I had never seen before. That might have been because I was still new here, but there weren't many other people there either. It was an open field with lots of room for playing and enjoying the outdoors. The trees surrounding it were very tall and had many leaves that covered the field, not letting much sunlight through. Standing there, in the middle of the field, was a tall boy who looked about my age. He had white hair with black streaks at the bottom, and wore clothes that looked like they came from the mid-1800s. The boy saw us and waved, gesturing for us to come over.

"Hey, Lysander. What's up?" Castiel greeted him. "Hey, Castiel..." The boy replied. He looked over at me and smiled. "Who's this?" Then, Castiel replied sarcastically, "I'm sorry, I thought you didn't WANT me to bring my friend." This 'Lysander' looked at him and said "You never told me you had a lady friend." He looked at me again with a smile. Castiel just chuckled. "Yeah, well don't get any ideas." 'Lysander' then said to me, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lysander. And to whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?" I was about to introduce myself when Castiel spoke for me. "Lysander, this is Sli-" I shot him an angry look. He sighed and corrected himself. "Julia. Her name is Julia." I smiled at him. *That's better.* Lysander continued, "Julia....that's such a pretty name. It's nice to meet you." Castiel gave Lysander a death stare, as if to say *Don't. You. Dare.* I turned to Lysander and smiled. "It's nice to meet you too, Lysander."

Castiel looked at me and grinned. "Slim, ya like music?" I looked back at him and replied. "Um...yeah, sure. Why?" "I'll be right back." He turned and walked off. "Ok." I said, and turned to Lysander who stood there and smiled at me. "Probably went off to get his guitar." I became a little confused. "Castiel plays? He never told me..." Lysander looked a bit surprised. "Oh, he didn't? I'm sorry; he was probably trying to surprise you. And now, I ruined it." He sighed and looked away, and then I said to him "No, it's ok, really. You didn't mean to. I guess I could always pretend to be surprised." "You know that won't work, Slim. I'd see right through you." Castiel said from right behind me, making me jump. I turned to him and shouted, "Y'know, I really SHOULD put a bell on you!" He just laughed. Lysander laughed a little as well.

I ignored them both and looked at the guitar that Castiel was holding. "So, you play?" I asked him. "Yep, and Lysander sings." he replied, grinning. I looked at Lysander and grinned too while crossing my arms. "You never told me that." Lysander shot an angry look at Castiel, who just shrugged and said "Hey, you ruin my secret, I ruin yours, buddy." I chuckled a little while covering my face, hoping that they wouldn't notice. "What's so funny, Slim?" Castiel crossed his arms, grinning at me again. *Darn, he noticed! .* "Uh, nothing..." I replied, feeling myself blush. Now they were both staring at me. After a few seconds, I finally spoke up. "So are you gonna play me a song or what?" Lysander suddenly snapped back into reality and said, "Ah yes, of course. Do you have any requests?" I thought about it for a minute. ", not really. Play anything you want." Castiel turned to Lysander. "Hey, why don't we play the new song we're workin on?" Lysander snapped back at Castiel, "No! We can't play that song in public until it's finished and released!" Castiel just smirked at him. "Oh, c'mon. It's just Slim here." He turned to me. "You won't tell anyone, right Slim?" Lysander turned to me as well. I smiled at them, replying "No, I won't tell anyone. I'll probably forget it anyways."

Lysander smiled back, but then turned to Castiel and said "It's not that I don't trust her..." but Castiel interrupted "Look, if you don't wanna sing, that's fine, but I'm still playing the music for her." Lysander opened his mouth to say something, but Castiel threw his guitar strap around himself and started playing before he got the chance. Regardless of what he just said, Lysander started singing to his song. His voice was clear, pure, and he expressed his emotions into every word. On the other hand, I was really surprised at how well Castiel could play the guitar. I mean, he could REALLY play, and his guitar solo was just amazing. Both boys were smiling at me the whole time, and the whole time, I kept smiling at both of them. It made me feel very special to be the only one who's ever heard their new song.

They stopped mid-song, explaining to me that 'that' was all they had written so far. "....and that's all we've written." Lysander said to me with a smile. "Well, that was great! I can't wait 'til it's finished." I replied, smiling back at him. Castiel, his guitar still strapped around him, waved his arms and sarcastically shouted "Hello!? Am I invisible to you guys, or what?" Lysander rolled his eyes while I laughed and said to Castiel "Yes, yes, we can see you! Not everything has to be about YOU, y'know!" He just chuckled and asked "So, what'd you think of my awesome guitar skills?" *Apparently, he's ignoring me. Lol XD* I looked at him and smiled. "I think they're amazing, Castiel. You've got some serious talent." He smiled back at me. "Thanks, Slim."

It had gotten very late by now. I turned to Castiel and Lysander. "Well, it's getting pretty late. I'm going home now. See you later." I looked over at Lysander and smiled. "It was nice meeting you, Lysander." I turned to leave and started towards my apartment. "Need me to walk you home?" Castiel asked, still smiling at me. "No, that's ok. My apartment isn't THAT far away from here." I replied, smiling back. "Ok then, I guess I'll just walk with Lysander. Goodnight, Slim." He turned and walked away. Lysander started to follow him, but then turned back to me and said "It was nice meeting you too." He handed me a slip of paper. "Give me a call if you need anything, ok?" He smiled at me. "Ok." I replied, smiling back. With a final glance, he said "Goodnight, Julia." and rushed off to catch up with Castiel.

I walked back to my apartment alone. I was very tired, and although I was hungry, I didn't feel like doing anything but sleep. As usual, I still couldn't get to sleep without thinking about the events of that day. I thought about how Castiel was acting that morning.* How does he really feel about me? Was the kiss just an act or was it real?* I also thought about what happened later that day. *I met a new boy named 'Lysander', and both him and Castiel revealed to me that they play music together.* I thought a little more about Lysander. *I'm almost positive he didn't want me to be there when he and Castiel were talking on the phone, but once he saw me in person, he suddenly became very nice to me. Not only that, he sang for me and gave me his number.....what does that mean?* I was going to think more, but I was so tired that I fell asleep right on that thought. Today had been a very looooooong day.

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