Chapter 16: Wondering...

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Where did it all go wrong?

I found myself standing on the sidewalk bordering the courtyard of Sweet Amoris High School. What? School...why am I...? From what I'd remembered, I had just passed out at a hospital not too long ago...and now I was at school?


Out of curiosity, I stepped onto the courtyard, making my way towards the high school. Maybe I can find out what's going on...

As I walked towards the school, I noticed that everything was tinted into a light blue. It was really strange, but I decided to keep on going. And then I saw...Castiel?

Castiel was standing by that same tree like he usually does. The look on his face just seemed so...uninterested.

Weird...I could have sworn I had that exact same thought somewhere before...

"Castiel!" I called out to him, response. I called for him again. Nothing. I walked up in front of him and spoke again, but still nothing. He was looking right at me, and yet...he wasn't looking at me. The longer I stood there, the more it seemed...he was looking through me.

He can't hear me...

He can't SEE me...

I was seriously starting to freak out now...

What in the world is going on?!

Castiel's Point Of View

"Slim!" I skid to the ground and shook her, but no response. I immediately let go and burst out the door to find a nurse; a doctor; SOMEONE. I ran through the hallways...

What just happened?! She seemed fine just a moment ago, and then she collapsed?! What's going on?!

I practically smashed in every door in the hallway trying to find someone who could help her. And then out of nowhere, I heard someone running after me. "Hey! You can't do that here! Who do you think you are?!" The person behind me was shouting some kind of nonsense; who did they think THEY were?! I spun around and yanked him by the collar.

"Shut up! Listen buddy, you've got some nerve! I have a girlfriend who JUST collapsed up there and I can't find ANYBODY to help her! So it's either YOU take a look at her, or I kick your teeth in! Which is it?!"

Needless to say, I convinced him to help Slim.

As soon as we got back to the room, the he was, helped me get her onto a bed and then examined her.

"Hmm...and she just...collapsed?"

I nodded. "Yeah...I don't know what's wrong with her..."

Other than the fact that she's three-timing me...Agh, what am I thinking?! She could be in serious danger!

"Well her condition isn't too seems that she's just passed out from exhaustion."

"What?! But that's not serious at all!" I snapped back at him.

So much for serious danger! I swear to God, Slim, when you wake up...!

"Son, it IS serious. Don't underestimate the effect this could have had on her. When's the last time she slept?"

"Uh, I dunno..." I sighed, and glanced at the clock. 7:00 p.m.

Let's's seven, and she hasn't slept ALL day, nor did she get much last night...she woke up at about 8...I's so hard to remember! Ok, calm down. Assuming she woke up at 8 this morning...and given the fact that we fell asleep at about least, that's when I fell asleep; I have no idea when SHE did!"

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