Chapter 18: Off To a Rough Start

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The next morning, I was discharged from the hospital and allowed to go home. I would've said goodbye to Nathaniel before I left, but he was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him. Not to mention...I just wanted to get out of there...

I already knew I was late for school, but I wasn't that late. After all it was only 10 a.m.; they worst they could give me was an absentee note, which I could just have my "parents" sign later. No big deal. So, I stopped at my apartment to pick up my things and then I was off to school.

When I got to the courtyard, I noticed Castiel standing by his tree as usual; I remembered that we were supposed to stay away from each other though, so I ignored him and kept on walking. Unfortunately, he couldn't do the same.

"H-Hey! What are you doing here? You should be at the hospital!"

*So much for staying away from each other...*

I was a little surprised at how quickly Castiel had forgotten his own idea, but I decided to stick with it, so I ignored him.

"Hey! Listen to me when I'm talking to you!"

He was now following me. Still, I said nothing.


Castiel grabbed my shoulder and forced me to face him; and as much as I wanted to go elsewhere, I couldn't. Unfortunately, my anger got the best of me.


He stared at me for a moment before continuing to yell at me.

"What are you doing here?!"

"They released me from the hospital. I'm going to school!"

"No! Doctor said you need rest, so go home!"

"I had TWO DAYS to rest! I'll be fine!"

"No you won't! Go home!"

Without saying anything, I turned away and stomped towards the school again.


He ran after me.



*That's it...*

I whipped my arm around and smacked him as hard as I could.


He just stared at me, frozen. Slowly, he put his hand up to where I had hit him.

Before he got the chance to say ANYTHING else, I ran from him, bursting through the front doors of the school and disappearing from sight.

She hit me...she actually hit me...I didn't think that Slim could be so...cold...

I stomped my way through the school hallways; if I was going any faster, I would've been running. I had just gotten my things from my locker and was on my way to class when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey! Julia!"

I turned to see Melody standing in the doorway of the student council room. I walked over to her, wondering what she had to say.

"Hey, what's up?"

"You forgot this..."

She handed me a slip of paper. As expected, it was an absentee note.

"Oh, thanks..." I took it from her and placed it in my bag.

"Oh....hey...could you do me a favor?" she asked. The look on her face told me it was important.

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