Chapter 13: I'm Living a Nightmare

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*Keep running!* I kept telling myself, but I knew I couldn't 'keep running' forever. My head was aching, my heart was pounding, and I was so exhausted that I felt as if I was going to pass out at any moment. So, I hid behind another building to take a short rest.

"Phew.....I think I ran far enough." I whispered to myself; although, I wasn't too sure I had gotten far enough. Still, I really needed that rest. I leaned up against the building wall for a few minutes to catch my breath. And the moment I got back up again...

*SLAM!* Someone grabbed a hold of my sweater jacket, slamming me back against the wall. "Well, well, if it isn't the little runaway." It was really dark out by then, but I knew that voice all too well. Lysander. He stepped in front of me, putting one hand on the wall, blocking any chance of my escape; and the other on my face.

"Darling, why do you keep running away from me? You know you can't escape forever." I just stood there, terrified. "I-I'm sorry...."

"Are you really?" He shot back at me. It was obvious he didn't believe me, but I didn't blame him for that; I was obviously lying. "Please don't hurt me...." I begged him. He remained silent for a moment as I stood there, shaking in silence, waiting for his reply. And then, he said.....

"....I gave you many warnings, but you heeded not a single one of them. I gave you my love! 'Don't ignore me'; that's all I ever asked of you! All I wanted was to talk to you and spend time with you and form a relationship together! I wanted your love! But you couldn't give that to me, could you?! You couldn't care LESS about me! Don't you realize how much that hurts me?!" I didn't reply, but instead thought *Hurts him? I don't even think he has anything to hurt.*

"I'm sorry Darling, but how can I care about your feelings when you clearly don't care about mine?" Lysander moved closer to me until our faces were only centimeters apart. He then whispered in a slightly harsh tone "It's time for your punishment." I became really scared now; I had no idea of what he might do. Well.....maybe a slight idea. *Oh no...he can't!*

"Luckily for you, I've got a kind heart, so I'm going to give you a choice." He waited for a moment before continuing. "You can either give in to me and do this at my house, or...." He trailed off for a moment. "If you decide to fight against me in any way, I have no problem stripping you down right. here." *What?! In the rain?! Is he crazy?!*

I just stood there staring at him, terrified. I had no idea what I was going to do. All of a sudden, there was a flash of lighting, thunder soon came afterwards. I heard footsteps coming down our way, but it was still way too dark to see who it was. It was then that I heard a familiar voice.

"Julia?!" Just by hearing that, I could tell who it was. "Nathaniel?! Is that you?!" Right now, the sound of Nathaniel's voice couldn't have made me any happier. I wished for nothing more than to burst out of Lysander's grasp and run straight into Nathaniel's arms. Of course, for the time being, this was impossible; Lysander isn't an easy guy to escape. However, that didn't stop Nathaniel from trying to save me.

"What's going on?!"

"Stay back! Who are you?!"

"O.O ...."

"None of your business! Listen buddy, I don't know who you think you are, but that's my girlfriend you're messing with!"

*turns to me* "Oh, so there's another one, Darling?"

"O.O" ...."

"Get AWAY from her!"

Nathaniel tries to push Lysander to the side, but Lysander doesn't budge; apparently Nathaniel isn't as strong as he thought. Lysander throws a punch at Nathaniel, barely hitting him on the side of his face. Although he's not as strong as Lysander, Nathaniel is pretty quick and can easily dodge him.

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