Chapter 1:An Idea Has Risen

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What's up guys? It's your friendly neighborhood comedian/author coming at you with the third book's first chapter! I don't want to spoil much, so let's get into it!

As you remember, the last book ended with a deal between Stephan(myself)and Satan. What you don't know, however, is what happened after the deal was made. Satan was sent back to the Void, but he was stripped of any power that would allow him to even attempt to escape. When he was resealed, the city of Memphis returned to normal in a matter of minutes with all casualties and injuries reversed except for Phantom and Lostit who, unfortunately, ended up stranded in the Void. Even Lily and Violet were brought back. Yeah, bet you didn't remember those two, huh? Anyway, after what Stephan and Hannah decided to call the "Hellpocalypse" subsided, Hannah asked Stephan to train with her. He agreed to do so under the agreement that he would not attack with fatal strength. So, here we are, about a month later. Hannah, Stephan, Vantom, Losoul, and Ghost were in the Zero Hellzone, a completely black dimension that belonged solely to Ghost himself. The gravity in the Z-Hellzone is 5 times Earth's gravity and the air is twice as thin as Earth's air. You'd think it would be impossible to survive here, but Ghost uses it as a quiet space to meditate or a training area where he doesn't have to hold anything back. So he lent it to Vantom, Losoul, Hannah, and Stephan so that they could train. And I almost forgot to mention that Losoul got a new look!

 And I almost forgot to mention that Losoul got a new look!

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He now looks like a very pale 17 year-old. His attire was simple:a white t-shirt with black jeans, tennis shoes, a dog tag chain around his neck, and a leather jacket with white fur lining the hood. His right eyes was blue and his left was white, but his sword was still blood red. Now that that's out of the way, Hannah had just gotten done sparring with Stephan, so Stephan was going against Vantom. The two were exchanging seemingly fatal blows, but in reality, they were barely putting any force behind their attacks.

Hannah:(She was sitting beside Ghost, who was hovering low above the ground and Losoul, who was propped up on the handle of his sword.)Is it just me, or does it seem like Stephan's not really taking these sparring matches seriously?

Ghost:You know he doesn't take much of anything seriously.(MaKayla appears in a small storm of blades.)And neither does she. How you been MaKayla?

MaKayla:(Her wings were fully extended with the right wing being white and the left wing being black. Her right eye was yellow and her left eye was red, so her eyes matched her wings.)I've been fine, other than this.

Losoul:(He smirked a bit when he saw her.)Couldn't decide which contacts matched with which wings when you got out of bed this morning?

MaKayla:Very funny, ya cross-eyed cocksucker. I got a new form, but I can't fully enter it. I can only ever go halfway into the form.

Ghost:I'm assuming the new form is the angelic side?

MaKayla:How rude of you to assume I wasn't already angelic!

Hannah:Were you really?

MaKayla:(She chuckled after holding a straight face for an astonishing 2.5 seconds.)Barely.

Losoul:(He stood up straight with his sword on his shoulder.)Looks like they're wrapping up. Better pay attention, kids.

Hannah:(She gave Losoul a death stare before joining MaKayla and Ghost in the observation of the final moments of Vantom and Stephan's sparring match. Their attacks had finally gotten some kick as they seemed to cancel out each other's power with each clash that was a draw between them.)I'm surprised, Stephan hasn't even used Byte yet.

Ghost:He's conserving as much power as possible. He hasn't been given a reason to use it, so he hasn't.

MaKayla:Sounds like something he'd do.

Losoul:He's about to need whatever the Hell that Byte thing is and a whole lot more. Vantom is about to test Stephan's limit.

Vantom:(He fired a short ray of plasma into the ground between himself and Stephan to put space between them.)You've held up well. So defend against this, and I'll call you the winner of this match.

Stephan:(The purple in his eyes glowed as he looked at Vantom.)Sounds good.

Vantom switched the dial on his chest to "E" before rolling his sleeves up to reveal his veins glowing green and multiple plasma spheres forming in each of his hands. After a few seconds, he put both hands up towards Stephan and began rapid firing plasma pellets at him. Stephan put his hands up as they approached. As each pellet made contact with his hands, a small explosion or smoke emitted from them, making a giant cloud that blinded everyone. After about ten seconds, the firing stopped.

Hannah:(Her claws appeared to fan away the smoke.)I wonder how much effort Vantom put into that.

Stephan:(When the smoke cleared, his eyes widened at the sight of a plasma sphere about a football field away. The ball itself was the size of a meteor, but the hand holding it belonged to Vantom, who had grown to Godzilla's size!)Yeah, I'm definitely not straight up blocking that.


Vantom spoke something in an unknown language before firing a giant beam of green plasma at Stephan. The beam itself was a bit slow, so Stephan had a few seconds to react. He decided to go into SnakeByte and put both of his hands together to fire a beam of purple plasma into Vantom's beam. At first contact, all Stephan was able to do was slow the descent of Vantom's blast. But over the course of a few seconds, he began pushing back said blast. While he did so, his right hand slowly changed. When Vantom stopped his blast, Stephan's right hand looked like it had purple scales instead of SnakeByte's normal purple skin. In a cloud of blue smoke, Vantom returned to his regular size and appeared with everyone else. Stephan joined them as well, seeming a bit different. The area around his right looked like the same scaly skin that was on his hand. And instead of the normal white and purple snake eye, his right eye was black and purple. As soon as he noticed, he went out of SnakeByte, hoping no one noticed.

Stephan:That wasn't too bad. Now, what's up with MaKayla's outfit?

MaKayla:I got an angelic form, but I can't go more than halfway into it.

Vantom:There's a chance that you need to be put in a situation where the form is forced to fully appear.

Stephan:Why not have a tournament?

Hannah:What kind of tournament?

Stephan:A fighting tournament. 16 fighters start off in 8 brackets.(Basically 8 matches in the first round, then 4 in the next, etc.)No reward other than bragging rights and training. Hell, to make it more interesting, you don't know your match until it comes up.

MaKayla:Could there be assists like T.O.C.?

Stephan:It would work a bit differently. The fighter would have their assist locked in before the fight started. The assist would be notified in their mind that they are a certain person's assist. If their fighter doesn't call them in but the assist sees their fighter needs help, they're allowed to step in.

Vantom:What are the assist's limits?

Hannah:At the most, one high-powered attack. But they wouldn't be allowed to finish the match.

Losoul:How would the match even be finished?

MaKayla:Sounds like a good idea to pin the opponent to a specific location. And the location only unlocks for the fighters after a set time. That way, the match doesn't end too quickly.

Stephan:That sounds like everything. Looks like we got ourselves a tournament!

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