Chapter 11:The Pleasure Is Mine

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Okay, so this chapter isn't gonna be a fight so much as it will be an intervention between the rounds. This will be a chance for readers to get a little bit of info about anyone they'd like if you can answer a question for me. The question is gonna be at the end of the chapter, so pay close attention. And, so you know, the parts that have (he/she/?) relate to sexuality. The question mark is for if you don't identify as he or she. I'm a supporter of all lifestyles, so I do my best to show that. And I apologize for the long gaps between chapters lately. There's been a lot going on, so I haven't been able to work on these chapters as often as I want to.

At this point, Losoul had gone to the Zero Hellzone to let off some steam. Everyone else decided to give a few of the fighters a chance to show off their abilities, with Ghost being the first.

Ghost:You all see your sun, right?

The audience simultaneously yelled "Yes!"

Ghost: Look closely.(The flames on Ghost himself turned red and yellow, and the sun turned pitch black.)I control any flame I want to.

Luna:(The sun became a bright white and turned into a full moon before going back to normal. Ghost also returned to normal as the viewers stared at the transforming sun in amazement.)Fire bending is nice and all, but I feel like Celestial Body Manipulation(C.B.M.)is a bit cooler.


Insanity:(Her claws slowly lifted her off of the ground.)This beats both of you.

Lostit:Excuse me, but what happened?

Insanity:(Her claws let her down and lifted her again.)You tell me.

Y/N:Are you moving the planet?(Y/N had forgotten that everything was silent and that Vantom's hearing was impossibly high, so (he/she/?) spoke aloud and quickly covered (his/her/?) mouth as (he/she/?) realized that Vantom was standing right behind (him/her/?).)

Vantom:(He looked Y/N right in (his/her/?) eyes as (he/she/?) turned around to face him.)You're an intelligent one, aren't you?(His eyes started glowing as he found himself a few inches from Y/N's face, eye to eye.)How did you know?

Y/N:I-I felt lighter...

Vantom:I don't get why you're afraid.(He walked back to the fighters, turning his back to Y/N.)Other than the one fight I had, you probably haven't seen what I'm capable of.

Hannah:Your eyes are glowing red and you were basically staring into (his/her/?) soul. If I was a normal human, I'd be scared too.

Lostit:Okay, moving on. Hannah, what's your strongest form?

Sirin:I can answer that for her. It's a form that has no name, and all angels can obtain it.

Lostit:It's been mentioned in a few conversations between me and old foes. I've...heard that it's somewhere around T-

Phantom:(He interrupted Lostit by freezing his mouth in time.)We don't talk about that, remember?(Lostit raised his hand to his face and took his mask off, unfreezing his mask with a nod.)

Lostit:Next time, just hit me.

Luna:Excuse me?

Lostit:I-I was just joking, babe...(He took two steps back, put his mask back on, and took off running as Luna went into her wolf form and chased after him.)

MaKayla:I'm surrounded by childre-(She proceeded to become a child as Stephan gave her chocolate.)Yay!

Stephan:(He raised Hannah up onto his shoulders.)Surrounded by children or becoming one?

Hannah:You have anything you want to show off babe?

Stephan:Nothing that I can think of.(That statement was followed up by the right side of his body becoming more scaly than it usually is while he's in his SnakeByte form.)

Shadowgun:(He had raised his shotgun and aimed it at MaKayla's head.)So what's that? Because it only comes out when someone close to you is in danger.

Stephan:If it's what I think it is, I'd rather not speak on it.

Shadowgun:(He aimed his shotgun at Hannah, but his eyes turned black and red like they did in the last chapter of the first book. Keep in mind that he was still in his child body.)I may have the same idea Phantom has.

Hannah:(Obviously, she was worried.)W-what would that be...?

Without hesitation, Shadowgun fired his shotgun straight at Hannah's head with no intent to miss. But, as you could probably tell, Stephan wasn't going for that. Time seemed to slow as the bullet approached Hannah. And, right before it made contact with her frontal lobe, it stopped. Stephan had moved to catch the bullet, but even he was dumbfounded when it just stopped on its own. Then the bullet started crunching and breaking as if it was being chewed on. Skip forward a few seconds, and the bullet is completely deformed. It dropped to the ground before a hissing noise was heard, a noise that resembles a snake's hiss. Stephan, at this point, was half consumed by SnakeByte, with the entire right side of his body being purple and scaly instead of his normal dark skin. His right eye was black and purple, and he had the pupil of a snake instead of a regular human's circular pupil.

Hannah:(She calmed down enough from almost getting shot to notice Stephan's changes.)

Stephan:(He looked at her, not knowing what he looked like.)Yes?

Hannah:What do you think that was?

Stephan:I have no idea, babe.

Vantom:You should be careful of what demons you let flow through your system, Stephan.


At that moment, Sirin and Vantom disappeared, reappearing in a purple, grassy field. It was nighttime, but the sky was alight with stars. Sirin sat atop a rock, looking over the field with Vantom standing beside her.

Vantom:Your dimension...

Sirin:Amazing, isn't it?

Vantom:(He seemed to scowl at Sirin before turning his back to her.)Somewhat, but I have a feeling you didn't bring me here to gaze at stars.

Sirin:Stephan's form is consuming him, but he doesn't know it.

Vantom:So you want me to let him stay clueless to what's happening to himself?

Sirin:For now. Hannah's already gotten uncomfortably close to finding out my actual reason for being here.

Vantom:What would that reason be, if you don't mind sharing a bit more?

Sirin became engulfed in a cloud of ash-grey smoke almost immediately after Vantom finished his question. The smoke subsided a few seconds after it appeared, leaving...

A solid white female wolf that had three purple and blue orbs circling her neck

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A solid white female wolf that had three purple and blue orbs circling her neck. She also had a glowing purple orb rolling between her paws on the rock she sat on. She looked at Vantom, who had raised an eyebrow.

Vantom:(He got down on one knee as he slowly realized who was in his presence.)You're here to train the Arcangel.

???:(She bowed her head and didn't open her mouth to speak. Instead, her voice echoed around her like she had speakers on her shoulders.)Yes, I have. And I know you came here to keep Stephan on track to avoid your life as an addition to finding them. The pleasure is mine, Stalker.

And the question is...What could Vantom and ??? bowing down to each other mean about them? You can comment, but I would message the author directly to avoid someone stealing answers. Good luck!

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