Chapter 6:Guns Of Boom

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The next day, the fighters decided to change up the arena a bit. So they met up in Antarctica instead of Memphis. The next fight had been revealed to be...

Montana:Me versus Insanity?! That's not fair!

Insanity:Life wasn't fair. Suck it up.

Montana:Are you gonna go easy on me?

Insanity:There's no point in it. You're stronger than you think. Just stop being so lazy.

Stephan:I could've sworn that Shadowgun was the only parent here.(Insanity punched him in his shoulder and Hannah punched Insanity in hers.)

Vantom:Guess we'll see who's sniper is stronger between Shadowgun and Montana.

Losoul:I say Shady's is stronger.

Insanity, Luna, Fire Queen, Lifeline:Montana's!

Riaaz:Apparently you have a crowd rooting for you.

MaKayla:You think it would be interesting to add a modifier to this match?

Montana:Sounds good to me if it's okay with Insanity.

Insanity:What would it be?

Shadowgun:3-minute brawl. You have a limited about of time to fight before the trailing fighter is eliminated automatically. Each time a minute passes by, the ring gets smaller and there's no Pinzone, only knocking the other into the water surrounding.

Lostit:Can all flight abilities be disabled if one of them don't have ground under them?

Shadowgun:Sounds good.

After a few minutes, the ice that they were standing on had been carved into a giant circle. Lostit had a giant silent propeller on the bottom of it so that the ring hovered close to 100 yards above sea level. At this point, Montana and Insanity had both taken their positions.

Insanity:Kage wa watashi o shōhi suru.(As she said this unknown phrase-unless you know Japanese-she gained a shadow that made her look exactly like her picture.)

Montana:(She looked over at Insanity with a bit of a worried expression.)Are you sure you don't just want to give me this match sis? We can always fight on other days.

Insanity:I'll pass.


Insanity rushed towards Montana and began throwing punches at her with her claws. Montana could keep up, but would constantly disengage from the clashes to avoid fighting Insanity head-on. This went on for about a minute, obvious because of the outer edge of the ring falling away, leaving a smaller circle for them to fight on. After the ring shrunk, Montana started attacking to keep herself from running out of ways to avoid Insanity. The two repeatedly clashed, going higher and higher into the air. Then, they came back down with Insanity needing a breather and Montana trying to quickly end the fight. Insanity had her claws make an Ice Dome around her that was infused with the energy from the claws themselves. Montana rushed towards the dome and jumped above it. She shot at the top of it before she made contact with it, breaking a hole in the top of it and exposing Insanity to a completely off guard attack. But right before Montana's foot made contact with Insanity's head, time froze. At least it did for those two.

Lostit:I almost forgot to mention that their assists will be allowed to fight as long as they please when the timer hits one minute.

Ghost:You didn't forget, you just didn't say it.

Lostit:Damn straight.

Phantom:(His gauntlets equipped themselves.)Just call it already, Stitches.

Lostit:(He chuckled a bit before yelling...)Jailbreak!

When time unfroze, Shadowgun was standing between Insanity and Montana. He grabbed Montana by her foot and swung her into the air before pulling out his sniper and lining up a shot on her. But before he was able to fire, he got knocked on his back and dropped his sniper. He didn't realize until after it happened, but it was Phantom who knocked him down. Phantom had already gotten Montana back down to the ground by the time Shadowgun got up. Keep in mind that this is still kid Shadowgun. Phantom seemed particularly pissed at Shadowgun for some odd reason. He summoned his war hammer and raised it in the air. The head of the hammer greatly expanded to the size of the iceberg that sunk the titanic. He let the hammer go, leaving it floating in midair. After he let go of the hammer, he immediately appeared in front of Shadowgun with his left arm back, ready to seemingly knock Shadowgun into next week. But Insanity caught the punch before Phantom could land it. Shadowgun followed up Insanity's action by pulling out his RPG and firing it straight into Phantom's chest, sending him sliding across the ice and past his hammer before Montana caught him. When Phantom stood back up, he noticed that there was a few feet of space between Shadowgun and Insanity, so he vanished and reappeared between them. He knocked Insanity close to the edge of the ring and kicked Shadowgun HIGH into the air. As Shadowgun disappeared from the eyesight of the rest of the fighters, Phantom put a hand on his mask and crushed it, showing his needle-toothed mouth. A purple fog and purple smoke surrounded him and the smoke formed itself into purple wings that attatched themselves to Phantom's back.

Phantom:(He turned to face Montana as the ring turned grey.)Finish this fight.(He looked up at where Shadowgun had been kicked to.) D3vastation!(The war hammer appeared in his left hand as a demonic purple aura surrounded him.)

Phantom took off flying after Shadowgun with D3vastation in his left hand and his right arm covered in his signature full-arm gauntlet. Insanity watched him fly off, but forgot to pay attention to Montana, who had gotten close enough to use her sniper in its melee-burst configuration(from the first story). Montana narrowly missed Insanity's face as she swung her sword. Insanity kept stepping back since the ice dome she made drained most of her energy. Montana didn't let up at all, constantly going for swift combos. Eventually, it paid off. She was able to catch Insanity's left claw with a burst from her gun, rendering that claw useless. She managed to do the same for the other claw as well, but collapsed soon after. Insanity was planned on just kicking Montana off the edge, but that wouldn't be the case since Insanity suddenly fell through the ring and into the freezing water below. When she got back to the surface, she heard Lostit announce...

Lostit:Insanity has been eliminated! Montana advances to the next round!

Insanity:(Lostit helped her out of the water and Lifeline healed her claws.)I'm confused as to how the hell I fell through the damn ring.

Montana:(She walked over to Insanity with her sniper on her back.)I wasn't aiming for you with my sword. I only cut the ground around you.

Insanity:So what was the point of shooting my claws? I wouldn't have been able to fly even if you wouldn't have shot them because of the rules.

Montana:Your flight ability was cancelled out over water, not your ability to pull me down with you. Had you pulled me down and had me go into the water first, you would've won.

Insanity:That's surprisingly well thought out for you.


The small celebration was cut short by a sudden implosion in space that could be seen by normal humans and felt by the rest of the fighters. The implosion was red and purple, so you know what's going on. Lostit, Ghost, Vantom, and Losoul took off flying straight upwards to see Phantom and Shadowgun's fight. Stephan and Hannah summoned their motorcycle and followed them, curious as to how the fight would end.

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