Chapter 7:Brothers In Arms

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Now we're going to Shadowgun and Phantom, who have reached space over the course of the 30 seconds it took Shadowgun to break the flight path Phantom kicked him into. Shadowgun and Phantom floated a few feet from each other, locked in what seemed like a staring contest. After a few seconds of this, Shadowgun transformed back into his adult-technically teenage-body and entered his Insight form. His hair was white, his eyes were silver, and his tattoos glowed a scarlet color as he removed his coat. D3vastation went back to its original size, which had a dimension of 4x3x2(in feet).

Phantom:(D3vastation disappeared as he removed his jacket.)Do you really feel like Insight is necessary to win against me?

Shadowgun:If you're actually trying? Yes.

Phantom:Do you remember what you did?

Shadowgun:Yes, and I understand why you're upset. But you know as well as I do that this won't solve anything.

Phantom:I don't intend to fight. Just to put you to Judgement's test. And if you are found guilty...(He uncovered his red eye and removed his mask.)You'll die for it.

Phantom kicked Shadowgun so hard that he flew to the planet Mercury! When Shadowgun landed, he was immediately paralyzed. Phantom appeared in front of Shadowgun with a hand towards him. This is known as his Judgement ability. Phantom's red eye blinked between green and red as he gazed at Shadowgun. Everyone that followed the fight landed on Mercury a few seconds after Phantom and Shadowgun.

Vantom:(He kept his eyes on Phantom while he spoke.)Stephan, you do know that you're up next to fight, right?

Stephan:How in the hell would I have known that?

Hannah:Who's he fighting?(When she asked that question, Phantom's eye color stopped on red.)


Ghost:(He appeared next to Phantom.)Trial By Fire?


Ghost nodded and caught black flames that burned away the clothes on his upper body, which would be his jacket and his mask. He then swallowed the black flames that were in his mouth(first book)and it caused his hair to catch black flames and his eyes to glow. But something was different, and I wonder what it could've been... Maybe it was the fact that he had tattoos of black fire that stretched from his waist to his neck on his arms, chest, back, and stomach. The tattoos glowed black before white fire blasted out of his hands like jets as he took off flying into the sun. As soon as he had disappeared from sight, the sun turned black, leaving Mercury under a dark light as Ghost came back down in a giant sphere of fire that was headed straight for Shadowgun. But right before Ghost steamrolled Shadowgun, Ghost was drenched in water, which extinguished this flames and dropped him at Shadowgun's feet. Phantom put his hand down, letting Shadowgun move once again. Phantom looked around as tattoos appeared on his skin as well, but they were royal curls like...

 Phantom looked around as tattoos appeared on his skin as well, but they were royal curls like

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