Chapter 16:ADS

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Alright, I want to clarify that the last part I put out was a joke. Hannah can most definitely unlock the power to do some massive damage, but I thought that would be funny since I know someone took me seriously. Anyway, this is the actual chapter for the fight between Shadowgun and Montana.

Montana:(She checked her sniper to make sure it was in top condition for her upcoming fight.)I get to fight the main shooter himself...what an honor!

Shadowgun:It's nice to know you think highly of me.

Stephan:Guess we'll see who has the better aim between the two gunslingers.

As Shadowgun and Montana prepared to fight, Vantom reformed in his base form, leaving Innocence speechless. Additionally, Shadowgun reverted back to his demon body. I would assume it's permanent because he didn't go straight to his Insight form and, unlike his fight with Lifeline, he didn't go back to it by choice. And Losoul, who had been passed out for the last two fights, finally started to wake up. Innocence hovered over to Losoul and Vantom, who were both gathering themselves. Losoul looked around for Stephan, who was well aware that Losoul had awakened. They glared at each other before fixing their eyes on Montana and Shadowgun.

Chaos:(He looked at Losoul and Vantom with a bit of a scaly smirk.)Some Stalkers you two are. Losoul lost to a human, and I can only imagine how Vantom was beaten.

Innocence:Vantom only lost because of me...

Vantom:I lost because I underestimated an A-ranked Hellsent.

Chaos:I knew he was Hellsent.

Phantom:Congratulations, you figured out that I'm strong. You want a mouse as a treat?

Chaos:Careful, Junior. Don't think you want to mouth off to your superior.

Phantom:You're right. And you're not him.

Chaos:(Him and Phantom glared at each other and gave one another a respectful nod.)Destruction?

Phantom:Correct. And you're Pernicious.


Vantom:Are you two gonna flirt all damn day? Or are you gonna watch the fight?

Vantom had a point, as Montana and Shadowgun had already started fighting. No guns, however. No energy, no powers. Just straight-up martial arts. Shadowgun, being the more refined out of the two, had a slight advantage, meaning he landed one or two hits every minute or so. After awhile, Montana realized she was outmatched when it came to hand-to-hand fighting, so she summoned her sniper and disengaged from the fight as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible. She hadn't taken any major hits before now, but Shadowgun hadn't taken any hits in general. Montana cloned herself and the clones surrounded Shadowgun, who put his left hand behind his back inside of his trench coat. The clones all rushed Shadowgun at once, but they stood no chance as he pulled out his revolver and mowed all five of them down in under 0.01 seconds. He reloaded his revolver, put it away, and looked around to see where Montana had run off to. When he turned around, he was faced with a blinding flash of light that was directly in front of him. The light turned out to be Montana herself. Her skin was glowing bright white while she stood in front of Shadowgun. In retaliation, however, he released his energy in a full-body burst accompanied by a battlecry that knocked Montana back. I'm assuming her skin ran out of battery or some shit as it stopped glowing. She did continue to put off a white aura that was a bit difficult to see, implying that she had tapped into her ascended powers. And here's a quick lesson in that subject. Ascended powers, at the bare minimum, are signs that a demon or angel is close to becoming a God/Goddess. Montana has already shown her Goddess side, but she hasn't gotten a hold on it yet. This shows that she is on the path to being one with Lifeline. But Montana began to charge a platinum orb of plasma. It was about the size of a baseball, but it had white translucent rings around it like those of a planet. Shadowgun could clearly see the affect that the orb would have on him, so he removed his trench coat and slowly walked toward her. 

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