Chapter 18:Parental Guidance

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"Another character, dude?!"

Look, I know. You won't be disappointed, I promise. The voice, which was clearly that of a teenage male, echoed near Dream. A man that was about 2 inches taller than Dream was seen, standing back to back with Dream.

He wore a green faded hoodie with a biohazard sign that matched the lighter green on said hoodie

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He wore a green faded hoodie with a biohazard sign that matched the lighter green on said hoodie. The hoodie itself, much like his mask, literally glowed with radiation. His black, undone hair was lazily draped over his right eye and his left eye showed that his eyes were yellow with a very small, black dot for a cornea. And with a black and green mask to match everything else, we meet the second Elder Hellsent, Teardrop. He also goes by Tearfall, but most don't know that. At first sight, he doesn't seem extremely dangerous. But that was apparently a bad assumption as Vantom, Innocence, Losoul, Sirin, and Chaos once again bowed, clarifying to everyone else that Treadrop was one to be feared.

Teardrop:(He scoffed at everyone who bowed to him.)You should respect yourself more than you do. And bowing isn't exactly the best way to do it. Especially you, Chaos.

Chaos:(He put his head back to where it originally was while everyone else went back to their original positions.)It's kinda hard to do that when you're capable of wiping entire universes with just one finger.

Teardrop:At least you have good common sense. Something that most demons lack.

Vantom:Pardon, but why are you here?

Teardrop:Dream informed me of some humans that were somewhat unique. And speaking of that, where are the humans who go by Hannah and Stephan?

Hannah:(In her mind...)How in the hell does he know our names?!

Teardrop:Cause I'm an Elder Hellsent. I have tabs on anything that exists.

Hannah:(Dumbfounded, she slowly walked over to Teardrop with Stephan close behind.)Here I am...

Teardrop:(He walked around them a few times, seemingly scanning her from head to toe-avoiding anything only they should look at, I might add-before stepping away from them.)You're meant to be the next Arcangel, correct?

Hannah:I guess so.

Teardrop:So your fight against Shane shouldn't be too difficult, right?

Hannah:I wouldn't really say that.

Teardrop:Too bad. Your fight begins on my command.

And with that, Hannah and Shadowgun took their positions on the battlefield. Hannah, who was extremely nervous, stood across from the more worried Shadowgun. What was he worried about? Hannah, of course. But that didn't matter much as Teardrop gave the signal to begin fighting. As Shadowgun rushed towards Hannah, she began to gain a bit of nerve. Either that or she put on a poker face. Either way, Shadowgun's fist clashed with Hannah's claw, creating a shockwave like very few others.

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