Chapter 4:Smoke And Ashes

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Vantom:Phantom against Ghost.

Ghost:Sounds like a rematch to me.

Phantom:It won't end in a tie this time.

Hannah:I don't know why I'm surprised. You two have fought before.

Shadowgun:They've only fought two times before, so the outcome couldn't possibly be guessed.

Lostit:You never know. Vantom or Losoul might be able to.

Losoul:Of all the things I'm capable of, future-telling isn't something I excel in.

Vantom:Would you look at that? The almighty Losoul can't do everything after all.

Losoul:Why don't you get back to kissing Phantom's ass? You seem to be amazing at it.

Lostit:You two, calm down.

Everyone went home since they agreed to have one match a day so no one got too fatigued. Skipping to the next morning...

Montana:I'm going for Phantom.

Fire Queen:Same here.

Ghost:The Hell?!

Fire Queen:I was joking, hottie.


Phantom:Alright, all jokes aside. Ghost, you choose the arena.

Ghost:You know where I prefer to fight.(He opened a portal to the Zero Hellzone.)Let's go.(He stepped through the portal.)

Phantom:For this fight, you'll all look from our perspectives.

Shadowgun:Why's that?

Phantom:You're staying here. I'd rather not have anyone get hurt during the match.(He went through the portal. As it closed behind him, he cracked his knuckles and stood straight up, facing Ghost.)

Ghost:(He removed his jacket, leaving him shirtless. His hair caught black flames as he summoned his chains and began swinging them in circles.)So, how much stronger have you gotten in the past 6 weeks?

Phantom:6 weeks to you. Each day on Earth is ten years in the Void.

Ghost:So I'll assume enough to note.

Phantom:Smart. On your mark.

Ghost stepped back a few steps before almost teleporting to Phantom, roundhouse kicking him right in his neck. But Phantom didn't budge. Ghost hopped back and tried again, but no luck. Then he took a second to think and came up with an idea. He jumped at Phantom again, kicking him in the chest. But he followed up immediately with another kick, and another, and another. In almost half a second, Ghost was bicycle-kicking the seemingly immovable Phantom with his arms crossed and his entire body in midair. Over the course of about 30 seconds, the kicks became more rapid and violent. After a full minute, Phantom finally put a hand up to catch Ghost's foot and throw him backwards. Ghost landed about 20 yards from Phantom, who's expression never changed. Phantom summoned his gauntlets and slowly walked towards Ghost. When they were face-to-face, Phantom stopped. They stood there for a moment before disappearing in a clash of purple and chrome. They were going head-to-head with neither of them taking an actual hit once. Now, we'll switch to the rest of the fighters.

Fire Queen:Ghost is impressive.

Montana:What do you mean? He's your boyfriend. Why wouldn't he be?

Fire Queen:Phantom seems to have gotten much stronger since the Hellpocalypse, made obvious by the fact that he stood there for the entire start of the match and took those kicks like they were nothing.

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