Chapter 13:Déjà Vu

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Hannah:(She immediately turned her attention to Vantom with an irritated tone in her voice.)The fuck was that?

Vantom:That's one of my brothers.

MaKayla:So does he make 3 out of 4 of your set?

Riaaz:(He looked confused as hell, given the fact that he had just woken up from a nap.)Wait, there's more of you?

Lostit:Duh! We're not technically the original 4.


Innocence:(She looked up at Vantom at a small angle. She was floating, but still a bit shorter than Vantom.)When are you gonna fight?

Vantom:I guess I can go now, if anyone would like to volunteer.

Phantom:(He raised his hand while he was sitting in the crowd with his legs crossed. The crowd moved so that he was visible.)Me and you clashing was inevitable. Might as well get it over with.

Ghost:Alriiiiiight, everyone clear out, someone's gonna die.

Shadowgun:(He hit Ghost in the back of his head with a grenade by throwing it at him.)No one's gonna die.

Vantom:Shadowgun is telling the truth.(He walked to the center of the fighting circle.)Any casualties would get me disqualified anyway.

The crowd formed a big circle around Vantom as the rest of the fighters cleared out of the area, leaving Phantom and Vantom standing a few yards away from each other.

Vantom:Whenever you're ready.

Phantom:(He raised his left hand, making the world around them seem like it had a purple haze as if it was a dream as well as causing everyone in sight to freeze except for himself and Vantom.)Let's go.

Phantom sprouted his purple wings and took off, flying straight up. Vantom did the same, following close behind. They stopped ascending when they reached space, a place where no voices could be heard. So they began to speak using their thoughts.

Phantom:Now, we're out of earshot of anyone that could listen in.

Vantom:So why have you brought me up here?

Phantom:To tell you to try.

Vantom:What made you think I wouldn't?

Phantom:If I'm your blueprint, then I know you prefer to get a feel for your opponent's power.

Vantom:That's the best way to defeat the opponent efficiently.

Phantom:Understandable, but remember that you have an audience rooting for you.(An image of Innocence appeared in front of them.)And I don't plan on pulling many punches.

Vantom:Is that all?

Phantom:Don't attempt to kill the humans if you're not able to do the same to me.

They started falling back to the ground, with time still frozen. When they were inside of Earth's atmosphere, time went back to normal, with most of the crowd being aware that Vantom and Phantom were free-falling.

Vantom:(They were about 100 yards from the ground before he spread his wings to show his descent. It's kinda obvious that Phantom did the same.)May the best of us win, Phantom.

Phantom:Same to you, Vantom.

As soon as they made contact with the ground, Phantom reappeared above Vantom and slammed him into the ground with his hands together in a ball. Apparently, Vantom was extremely off-guard, shown by the fact that he took a moment to get up. As Vantom recovered, Phantom took a few steps back to give Vantom breathing room and to put his own hair into a ponytail. Once Vantom was up, he dusted his mask off and stepped out of his wings, leaving them floating in midair. Then, they went at it. They didn't move anything but the upper halves of their bodies as they threw punch after punch with each punch meeting the other's fist. As the moments passed, neither slowed down. In fact, the punches were at a speed that made their arms nothing but a blur. A crack began to form in the ground under them, but it grew as if it was attempting to separate them. Keep in mind that neither of them had their gauntlets on yet. This continued for a good minute and a half before the crack under them got too big for them to continue. So they stopped for a break, looking at their knuckles, which were red, but not bruised. Vantom went back to his wings and stood in front of them, letting them reattach themselves to his back. After making sure they were in place, he started running in a circle around Phantom and dragging his wings on the ground behind them, creating a trench around Phantom. Vantom was at a speed where he was no longer visible before he reappeared face-to-face with Phantom, hovering in the circle that he had created. His wings were glowing red from being dragged at an unfathomable speed, but they maintained their form perfectly. A few seconds of Phantom and Vantom staring at each other went past before Phantom stepped out of the circle, but something seemed off about him. Instead of continuing to fight Vantom, he put his arms out as if he wanted a hug...?  And his eyes were a very light shade of purple. In fact, the color was almost childish. Vantom let his wings fall off of his back, creating a heavy thud on the ground under him.

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