one - wake up ho!

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Sleep is something most normal humans are supposed to enjoy. Go to sleep on your own. Wake up on your own. Just like that. Shouldnt be disturbed But, when you have two psychopaths for friends, you tend to constantly be hit in the face with pillows. Soft pillows that feel like hard rocks most the time on my face.

"Frankie wake up!" I hear someone yelling. Next thing I know a diamond encrusted pillow is in contact with my face. "Wake up hoe! Time to get up!" Symotamously, the pillow kept hitting my face.

"Get up Frankie before I drag your thick ass out of the bed," that was Scott for sure.

"NoOoOoO," I mumbled into the pillow. That was a huge mistake. Two large hands were being wrapped around my leg. I was being pulled onto the floor, face first. Luckily my breast were big enough to stop me from hurting my face.

"Told ya," Scott said before stepping over me and sitting on the bed.

"Oh yeah thanks for helping me up ass," I stood up and dusted myself off.

"First day of college! Yay!" Daisy shouted as she sat next to Scott.

"Yeah. Woo hoo," I blandly responded.

They both stared at me for a minute. "Ya know I saw some pretty hot students. Not to mention the even hotter college professors. Your lucky," Daisy had a big goofy smile on her face.

"Ew what, no. I'm not sleeping with the professor if that's what your implying. Not only could I be kicked out, but he could loose his job," I finally sat down next to Scott, I was on the left Daisy was on the right. Basically sitting in the middle.

"Boo!" She yelled.

"Yeah. Boo!" Scott mumbled. Shoving my arm.

I looked at him with disbelief but, I didn't really know why. It wasn't really that suprising. Predictable almost. "So then you go sleep with the professor Scott!" I yelled as I dramatically got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom.

"Maybe I will," he responded before I closed the bathroom door.


I went real simple with my outfit. A light blue button up, some black leggings, and white converses. Wasn't really used to Cali weather yet so this was the best option.

"Where's your first class?" Scott and I were walking down a long hallway. Emphasis on the long.

"Should be here somewhe-" I was cut off by someone's huge chest.

"Oh. I'm sorry," whomever it was quickly apologized.

"No it's fine-" I stopped the minute I looked into his eyes. Or, beneath them. If that makes sense. This man was very, very tall, atleast 6'4 maybe even 6'5. He had a dark blonde almost brownish beard that matched his wetish hair. And his eyes, his eyes where blue and popped out like crazy.

I was broken out of my trance when Scott kept snapping a finger in my face. "Helloooo, earth to Frankie!" Scott kept waving his hand into my face.

"Oh. Are you Frankie D. Harper?" The mysteriously beautiful man asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I'm Mr. Elliot. I guess I'm your teacher. And you are?" He turned his attention to Scott.

"I'm Scott. Scott Flowers," he smiled.

"Well both of you belong in here. Right?" He looked at the clipboard that magically appeared in his hand.

"Yeah. We are." We both walked into class

"What happen to not sleeping with the professor? What happen to no more dating til after college because of your cheating lying ex?" Scott whispered. Smirk evident in his speech.


Once we sat down, class began. Well, once Mr. Elliot walked in.

He introduced himself to the class. "Hello, I'm Mr. Elliot. I'll be your literature professor for the quarter, some of you, the whole year. I teach freshman and Juniors. I hope you enjoy my class and I hope we could have mature adult conversations," she nodded his head and wrote something on the board.


"Who wants to share one of the biggest mistakes they've made in life so far?" Mr. Elliot stepped from behind the desk to sit on top of the front.

People were hesitant. Well, no one raised there hands. So like any bully of a teacher, he randomly picked someone. That someone happened to be me.

"Frankie, why don't you start?" A teacherly smile evident on his face.

"Uh well. I've trusted a few bad people in the past. My mom, my jealous and selfish ex bestfriend, my cheating lying ex boyfriend, my...well that's about it," I shrugged my shoulders and gave a phony smile.

"Your mother? Is your relationship bad? He asked.

"No. She's just a bully and I guess isn't even aware of it. But, I guess she's just sensitive to the fact that I'm, as society loves to lable it, fat." I shrugged again.

"Mmm. Understandable. My mother doesn't like many of the things I do or have done. But, you must think that your mother hates you right?" He gave me an intriguing look.

"Well, somewhat. I think there is love there but she just hasn't really shown it much. Like, who cares what your daughter looks like? She's your daughter."

"Yeah well that's society. Plus nobody likes a fat whale," I looked at a girl who had an evil/funny look on her face. She threw a pencil at my face and lucky for her it hit the side of it. It was a very awkward moment.

"Haha. Nice try. Thanks by the way I needed a pencil. But, your going to have to try much harder to get to me. I've heard worst," I placed my hand on Scott's shoulder and gave him a very phony smile.

"Uh, want to talk about it?" Mr. Elliot asked, interested as hell.

"Uh nah," Scott said looking at me. Giving me 'stop or else' look. But I didn't stop.

"Nah Scott, tell them how you basically demolished my-" he cut me off.


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