I started tugging at the hem of his sweat pants.
Yes girls, sweat pants. Grey one's to be exact.
He was like a whole wet dream.
Big and dark with perfect white teeth, milk chocolate eyes, and a smile that could kill anyone if looks can kill.
If he isn't your wet dream, he sure is mine. I wanna see those muscles that so gracefully are flexing. Probably purposely to seem bigger than what he already is.
"Wait," he stops me from my actions. I'd been rubbing his tush.
"What?" I asked, breathlessly.
"I want to get to know you first. I always just sleep with girls but, I like you and want to get to know you. Can I do that? Can I get to know you?"
Seriously? I'm all ralled up and he wants to stop to get to know me? Seriously!?
"Sure," I responded. I didn't mean to just like, push him off of me but that's what happen. "Sorry I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay," he interjected.
Next morning, I wake up next to the hottie I almost lost my v-card too. He's a great sleeper. I was engulfed in his chest. It just felt amazing.
"Good morning," I pocked. his large arm that's currently wrapped around my torso.
He fidgeted a little bit before replying, "good morning. How'd you sleep?"
"Mmm good. You kept me warm." I snuggled back into his arms.
"That's good to hear."
It's the day after the party and I'm freaking the fuck out. I had a dream that Mickey and I...kissed.
Maybe it was a memory but if I let myself believe that I might actually vomit. That's like the worst thing anyone could do. Kiss there bestfriends ex who you so desperately hate. Ew god!
The dream was just so vivid. Like same clothes and everything. Absolutely nothing was out of place. Everything was perfect to the way it was yesterday.
Except that kiss!
I need Frankie.
I hopped up out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.
I need to scrub off all the horrible that I possibly did yesterday.
After 30 minutes of getting rid of any trace of Mickey I could possibly get rid off, I made my way to Frankie's room.
I was suprised when I saw a panicked Charlie waiting at her door.
"Morning Charles," I waved my hand up to greet. I love messing with this kid.
"Charles? Wow." He shook his head chuckling a bit
"Yup. What are you doing here? And why do you look so worried?"
"Because, Frankie called my phone last night crying and I wanted to know if she was okay. Nice haircut by the way."
My heart dropped to my toes. It had to squeeze it's way in them. What if she knows what happend. Shit, I'm toast. She's going to-
My thoughts get interrupted by her aggressively pulling open the door. "What do you have to say for yourself!" She pulled me by my shirt collar and dragged me in her room.

Acak{COMPLETED}{Caution: Old Story} {#5 - CHUBBY (September 28 2019)} "You guy's ever think about having a threesome?" "A what?" "A threesome." "Are you serious?" "Well yeah. Plus it's the perfect way for little ol Frankie to lose that flower of her's."...