twentyfour - the video that broke us

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I found Scott shoving some kids against a brick wall. Before I fully approached them, the kid was scurrying away. He looked terrified.

"Scott!" I yelled.


"Are you gay and didn't tell me?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He bowed his head down. "Right, I keep forgetting," he placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose and pinched it.

"But you told Frankie," I argued. "How long has she known?"

"I don't know. Some time now." He said, so nonchalantly.

"Are you serious? And why didn't you tell me when you told her?"

"Because...I don't know. Look I'm telling you now. Happy?" He pushed past me.

"Are you serious? Oh but wait, of course you are. You tell Frankie everything before me. What did you not trust me or something?"

"What are you talking about? Why are you acting like this?" He yelled, confused.

"Because! I'm tired of always coming last. I want to know things at the same time as Frankie! I tell you everything when I tell Frankie! So why can't you do the same for me?" I yelled back, frustrated.

"Daisy, what are you talking about? I literally tell you everything!"

"Yeah. Days or weeks later! It happen with with Max, at your parents house, during parties, and you being gay thing!"

"Okay. What do you want me to say? It just so happens you weren't there when I initially told it? I'm...what-"

"So what I'm just conventional?"

"No! Daisy your my bestfriend. I love you. Why are you acting like this!?"

"Because, I feel like you don't trust me!"

"I trust you %1000 and 1 percent. Are you joking?"

"No! Stop saying I'm joking. And if that's the case, why am I just now finding out about this," I held up the video.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose again. "I don't Daisy," he said oh-so calmly. "I ju- I felt more comfortable telling Frankie at the moment. Completely forgetting I hadn't told you."

"Why weren't you comfortable with me!?" I shouted. Voice cracking.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "I just, I felt like you might have judged me or something. I knew Frankie for so long and I knew that she wouldn't turn her back on me. I was scared you might have turned your back on me," he crossed his arms over his chest.

This is like the first time he'd spoken this calm in a situation like this.

Not only but, it hurt me that he thought I wouldn't be there for him. I love Scott, gay, straight, bi, it doesn't matter.

"Scott!" I shouted. "It doesn't matter. I love you no matter what. You shouldn't feel the need to hide your sexuality with me. And how do you know Frankie would've turned her back?"

He just overdramaticly shrugged. "I don't know! Now can you stop with this? I don't know if you've realized this but someone just invaded my privacy." He spun on his heel and stormed.


Jesus Christ.

Was she okay.

She was just mad and for what?

Her video of her kissing her bestfriends cheating ex boyfriend isn't all over the school. So why the hell is she so heated?

Yeah I forgot to tell her but that doesn't mean I love her less.

And yes, there's many times I've told her things before Frankie but I'm sure she's done the same. Or we've done the same.

She's just being fucking weird. Maybe period?

And look, I understand Daisy's family situation. Not telling her about what my hateful parents was just an accident. It came out like many other things just came out.

But like, at the moment, this isn't important.

Finding the person behind this video is.

"Scott! Wait up!" I turned to see Mickey running after me. "What the hell happened last night?" He held up the phone. Just as confused as I was.

"We have a connection remeber," I mumbled.


"Nothing," I sighed. "Look, I don't know. But that's what I'm going to do now."

"Well I'll come," he joyfully said.

"No!" I yelled. "I had enough of you!" I stormed away. Or tried.

"Yeah but there's a video of me kissing a guy that I don't even like. Don't you think I want answers too?" He asked.

"Find your answers some place else." I walked away again, but then paused. "And please, they don't know you for one. And two they could barely see you. Your fine." I rolled my eyes.

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