twentythree - the video that got released

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My blood was boiling at the sight. Not to mention me being sickeningly disappointed in myself. And disappointed in whomever posted this. Actually no, I was sickeningly angered by whomever posted this.

Like on que, my phone started buzzing like crazy. I was getting messages left and right from angered girls, confused guys, and Max. Ughhh. Literally all my frustrations.

"Okay I don't know what happen. Or why this happened or who recorded or anything. All I remember is going into that room, then waking up next to a shirtless Mickey." I explained to her. But, she didn't believe me.

"That's not what this video says!" She shouts.

Actually, let's talk about the video.

So, the video that seems to be ruling the 'internet' is me laying on top of Mickey, sucking his face off.

It's disgusting and I have absolutely no idea how I ended up doing that. Someone please come kill me now. I want to die fast. Fucking shoot me or something.

"I was drunk!" I yelled back. "Whatever those idiots had us drinking made us forget everything. Something I never do! I never forget! You know that!" My voice cracked a little. I was a little afraid of this Frankie. Last time she was this angry was...never. I've never seen her like this so I don't know how to respond. What is she capable of?

"So your blaming this on alcohol? How dare you?"

"Okay it doesn't justify what I did but like-"

"Mr. Elliott? What're you doing here?" Michele walked in through all this mess.

"Ahh, business," he awkwardly let out.

"Um okay. Hey Scott. Saw your video," I have his full attention.

"Yeh and I wish you and the thousands of other people who saw it, didn't. This is definitely something I wanted to do on my own," I place my head in my palms.

"Embarrassed?" He placed his hands on my shoulder.

"Embarrassed? Oh please. I was going tell everyone I just waiting. And not even tell anyone really. Just simply talk to some scrumptious looking men. Now I'm on video with literally the grosses person I could think of. Disappointment," I whispered that last part.

"Who even is this?"

"Her ex boyfriend," I angrily shouted.

"Wait," Charlie joined the conversation. "So," he started chuckling, "so you slept with Frankie's ex boyfriend? The straight one?" He laughed.

"The only one," Frankie corrected.

"Yeah, and I didn't sleep with him." I retorted.

He started waving his hand up in the air. "I'm sorry," he wheezed, "I just find this funny."

"Well I don't!" I shouted.

"Whoever did this, I'm going to fucking kill them." I stormed out the room.


Was I mad?


Not really. I was more or less amazed.

I ship it.

But Scott can't know that. I mean, yes. It was disturbing, disgusting, and disappointing. But, if that's the route that Mickey wanta to go on, who am I to stop him?

I just hope he doesn't cheat on Scott though.

I'm sorry, I just can't suppress my laughter. Jeez this is hilarious.

"Why are you laughing so hard?" Charlie asked.

"Because. This shit is just too funny for me. Scott and the cheater, cheater pumpkin eater? Wow. I would never have guessed," I fell into more laughter.

"Yeah. It is pretty fucking funny. How do you make a mistake like that?" He joined my laughter.

"I don't know," I laughed more.

"Wait so, your not mad?" Michele interrupted us. Totally forgot he was even standing there.

"Nah not really. He's a big boy. He knows what he's doing."



"Did you guys see this!?" I barged into Frankie's room.

"Yeah. Been there just talked about that." Frankie simply said, reading a book not even looking up at me.

"Seriously without me?"

"People just walked in. Your a whole hour late. I'm sorry."

"Nah it's fine. But would've known Scott went that way. Who would have known Mickey went that way? I keep forgetting we're related." I sat down next to her and placed my head on her shoulder.

"Wait he didn't tell you yet?"

"Tell me what?" I popped my head up.

"Oh well I guess you should just talk to him. It's not my place." She still wasn't looking at me.

"Um okay fine." I got up and walked to the door. "Does this involve the video?"


"Oh. Okay." I walked out to find Scott.

If this is what I think it's is, why couldn't Scott be comfortable enough to tell me? I'm his actual bestfriend.

But, it's not suprise that he would have told Frankie before me...

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