thirteen - I have a secret

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"Scott, that's ridiculous cut it out." I reached for Scott's big lenthy arm to get the phone from him.

"No wait, let me finish," he pleaded.

"No. Scott I'm gunna get in trouble." I reached for the phone some more.

"No your not. By who?"

"By my mother you fucking idiot," I jumped on his back and finally took the phone from him. We were sitting on my bed and somehow Scott got hold of my phone. I told him about my path to forgiveness and he thought I should do my mother first. This idiot started typing a whole bunch of rude shit, had to shut that down.

"Okay. Where's Daisy?" He asked. "Actually no. I want to just talk to you first." His whole demeanor changed.

"What's wrong Scott?" I patted at the space next to me, instructing for Scott to sit there.

"So you remember when we tried to kiss right?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well, I thought the kiss was possibly because it was sisterly..." he paused.


"What I have neglected to tell you was that for the past year and a half, I've been trying to figure something out." He looked at me, with his eyes asking if I wanted hime to continue.

"Okay...?" Now I'm a bit confused.

"I...have been...trying to figure" He looked at me again and for a second, I was lost. But then it hit me.

"Oh my god Scott," I put my chunky arms around him.

"Let me finish jeez," he removed my arms. "At first, I was able to simply sleep with a girl. Boom, done. But then, as time moved on, I just, found it hard. They didn't really do it anymore. So I thought maybe I'd grew out of high school girls and on to college chicks. But no. I was wrong. Every now and then I'd catch myself looking at dude and thinking 'wow. He's hot.'" He looked me and only showed but shock and excitement. "I was a little jealous when I saw you and...Charlie...laying in bed together. But got over it nonetheless."

"So wait? Why were you so mad when you saw Mickey and I kiss?" I gasped, "where you jealous? Of me?" I went wide eyed.

"What? No! I was jealous of both you. I liked you but them I also thought Mickey was cute but that was before I was trying to figure myself out."

"Ohhh. So...?"

"Sooo now I'm guess I could officially say I' I don't, really know."

" you still find yourself attracted to girls?"

"Not really. I mean most of them I just want to punch them in their heads. They are so fucking annoying." We both laughed. "But I find myself attracted, attracted to guys. Specifically, Michele."

I didn't respond, a huge smile did all the work for me.

"Fran what are you thinking?" Scott knew what the fuck was up.

"You know, a little parent, trap," emphasis on the P.

"Is it a parent trap if your telling me? And, I'm here because of him."

I gasped. "You told him before me?"

"What? No! I like this boy and I'm coming out to you so that it's no suprise!"

"Who's coming out?" A deep voice said. Soon, Michele was revealed.

"Uh my cat. My cat's coming out. Here. To, California." Scott tried covering it up.

"Right. Well, I think I know what we could do to present our project," Michele excitedly jumped on my bed.

"We could do, a cartoon. I mean you have to be artistic in some way. All those tattoos." He pointed to Scott's arm.

"Well I mean yeah. That's actually a great idea. Can you draw?"

"Yes. Every summer I go to france and take a drawing class with some of my hometown friends."

"Oh well um, I'm with Fran right now but maybe-"

"No, you go ahead. I'm good here. Alone. Go and have fun," I pushed up off the bed.

" sure?" Scott showed an emotion I've never seen before. Nervousness and a tiny bit of happiness. He's usually happy but not this happy. Not the happy he looks now.

"Yeah. Go get em tiger," I mouthed that last part. He fiddled with his fingers a little before marching out with Michele. "You owe me one," I called out.

I've never seen him act this way abkut anything. He was nervous and I could this gay thing was new for him, even though he'd been figuring it out for some time.

Scott's usually big and bold, high and might, confident and...courageous. But seeing him with Michele and how strung he is, it only makes me smile. He's so happy, it seems like all his problems has faded away. Even though, he was nervous, and suprised, get it.

I love Scott.

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