thirty - not so jolly good times

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Sorry to do you like this...

2 months after Mickey and Scott got sick, Charlie and Frankie's date...


"Max, max, max, max," I kept tapping his shoulder.

"Why do you still call me Max?" He chuckled.

"Because I'm fucking retarded and because Matthew...Max...ohhhh. I see the problem." A bulb just blew up in my head.

"Yeah. I'm glad you see the problem."


We both fell into laughter.

"Anyways, Matt, you ready to meet my mom?" I asked, girlier than ever.

"Yeah I can't-"

"God that stupid bitch just needs to back off!" Frankie bursted in. "I mean we've been together two months! Two fucking months and she knows that. Why push it?" Frankie went on.

"What...what's happening?" I asked, concerned for my bestfriend.

"Jocelyne happen. That's what. She knows, Catherine knows, Samantha knows, Mickey, knows! Everybody-"

"Well I mean of course Mickey knows but-"

"What the hell! Like, I don't want him to lose his job. Like, I'd feel terrible if he did but like, what am I supposed to do? How did all these people find out?" She sat down and face palmed.

"Franks, it's alright. Stop beating yourself up about this-"

"No, I can't," she cried. "If he looses his job because of me he'll hate me. And, I don't want that."

"Everything is going to be fine. Trust me. He won't lose his job-"

"Yeah, and if he does, he could work for me," Mr. Money man had entered the chat people.

"Oh yes, all hail king 'the money' man Scott fucking Flowers." I mocked.

"Ah your just jealous." He took of his shades and dramatically through them on the sofa.

"Jealous of what?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Jealous because I'm building up a successful company and you aren't. You two Fran," he bragged.

"Whatever," we said simultaneously.

"Where's Mickey?" Frankie asked.

"Probably cheating again," I mumbled.

Like always, it was heard. Mumbling is literally a waste of breath.

"If he ever, I'd kill his ass with my bar hands. But, he's picking up the folks from the airport." He plopped down on the bed.

"All of them?"

"Yeah, he's kind of in a limo. So..."

"Ohh. Okay. Makes sense." I said.

"Umm anways, hey Matt."



About 30 minutes passed before Mickey returned. Literally everyone was with him.

Our parents, Scotts, Frankie's, Charlie's, and even Matt. Even Samantha's parents...?

"Um, Frankie, is that Samantha's parents?" I whispered.

"Yes unfortunately." She huffed.

"Wow. And look, even Max's here. Can't wait to see how that's going to turn out."

"Not good. Not good at all." Frankie responded, slapping her knee.

"Okay everyone! Let's do secret santa!" Scott yelled.

I grabbed the hat from off the coat hook in my closet. Everyone lined up. Well everyone except-

"Sorry I'm late!" Oop nevermind. He's here. Charlie is here.

"I was looking for your room. Why the hell didn't you tell me it was so far from the office?" He huffed, out of breath.

"I thought you knew," I shrugged.

He squinted his eyes at me. I just shrugged.

"Anyways," I said excitedly. "Time for secret Santa! Yay!"

Everyone picked name out of the hat.


Sooo. I got Samantha. Fun.

I can't believe we are being forced to spend the Holidays together anyways. Why couldn't it be like Thanksgiving? Just me, Daisy, Matt, Scott and Charlie. No one else.

"Who'd you get," Scott poked. I wasn't supposed to tell him but I did anyways.

"Sammy." I whispered.

"Wow. Well I got," he turned the paper towards me.

"Good luck that bud."

"Yeah don't remind me." He rolled his eyes and walked off to his bae. It was nice seeing that they both overcame there issues with one another. Yes, it is a weird vision but...

"YOUR WHAT!" I heard someone yell.

"I'M FUCKING GAY! ARE YOU DEATH!" It was Scott yelling at his parents. Oh boy.

"NO! No, No, No, No, No. Your not!" His mother yelled at him.

"What's happening?" Charlie touched the center of my back.

"I'm guessing they didn't know..."

"YEAH I AM MOM! AND HE'S MY BOYFRIEND." He aggressively pointed to Mickey. Lol.

"Disgusting." Okay, we all heard Max say it, no matter how low his voice was and how far apart we were.

"WHAT!?" Scott yelled. "AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED YOU LITTLE SHIT, YOU SAW THE VIDEO. YOU SAID YOU'D TELL THEM AND THAT THEY WOULD HE FINE." Max wouldn't look him in the eye. His head stayed low. After getting no reply, "oh so we're homophobes now!?"

"Your not sleeping with some boy! No! Your going breakup with him!" His mother yelled.

Scott laughed. "Are you serious? So now you care? Huh? I'M MAKING A SCENE IN FRONT OF ALL THESE PEOPLE AND NOW YOU FUCKING CARE!" Scott is really something else. At least he knew what he was doing. 'Inserts laughing emoji.' "YOU DON'T MAKE THAT CALL ANGELENE. I DO. I'm a grown ass man now Angelene. I always have been. You people never cared about me. You let this dipshit control you. You fucking neglected your youngest son to satisfy your bitchy old one. You blamed your son of something he had no control over. Guess what mom, dad didn't cheat all those times because of me, he did because of you! And-"

"Okay that's enough!" His father interrupted.

"No. It's not. I want all these people to see how shitty you people are! How gross and disgusting you people are. It makes me gag just having the same last name as you! I..."

"Deja Vu," I and someone else whispered. I looked my left to see Samantha smiling at me.

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