seventeen - not so ghostly anymore

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"Frankie, open up," Scott banged on the door waiting for Frankie to answer. He banged some more when there was no reply. "Franki-" The door opened up, only to reveal a half naked Michele. "Michele. Hey." Scott strangely greeted.


"Uh is Frankie here?"

"Um no she's-"

"Mi, come back to bed. I'm horny." Michele was interrupted by a slim gay man peeking his head from the far side of the room.

"I'll be there in a minute," he turned to the boy the back to us. "She wasn't here last night. Sorry," he shrugged.

"Thanks anyways," Scott said. His whole demeanor changing.

"No problem," he waved then closed the door.

"Scott?" I began, "you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why?"

"Because that vein on top of your head is poking out. Something your not tell us?" His fist was balled up by his side and his jaw was clenched. Something was irritating him.

"This isn't about me. It's about Max. Remeber?" He said, looking straight ahead.

"Mm is it? Don't be afraid to tell me. I won't bite," I jokingly nudged his shoulder. After that nudge, he seemed to relax.

"I said I was all good," he turned to me with a smile on his face. Weirdo. "If she isn't in her room, it only maked sense if she's with Charlie. Where he lives though, I don't know."

Almost as if reading my mind, he answered my exact question. Where did Charlie live?

"Why didn't we just text Frankie?" I looked up at Scott. We were idiots.

"Because we didn't think of that. I'll text her now."

Frannypanny: wya hoe?

We waited for a response but nothing.

"Here let me try." I took my phone out and texted the same.

Frankiewankie: tell us ur location or else youll be forced to get a really tattoo.

Still nothing.

"Well what the hell?" Scott said.


"Where would his apartment be stored? Or kept or whatever?" I asked both myself and Daisy.

"Not sure. The office maybe? But they wouldn't just give us his location without reasoning as to why we need it. They're going to question us. Or well you because you actually attend this place." Daisy shrugged.

"Well. Caitlyn?"

"Huh. Who's Cai- Mickey?"


"Mickey? Why are you here?"

"Daisy?" Mickey questioned, the he noticed me. "Scott." He spat out.

"Ew. This place doesn't accept cheaters," I spat, directing my attention to Mickey.

"Oh please, I'm not here to fight with you Scott. I'm here with Caitlyn and Samantha."

Confusion arose.

"Why would you be here with them?" I confusedly asked.

"Because they're throwing a party and I was invited. Plus I have a hook so," he shrugged saying that last part.

"So what are you, sleeping together now? You already fucked your ex and got caught. Now your fucking your ex's ex bestfriend? Because that makes so much sense." I laughed.

"We aren't fucking. I wouldn't do that Frankie no matter how we feel about each other. We are friends though," Samantha butted in.

"Coming from you I highly doubt that," I chucked to myself. Was she serious.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"It means you can't be friends with a guy for five minutes without trying to suck them down. You did it the moment you met me, the moment you met Mickey, and the moment you've met practically any boy you ever come in contact with. So please," I let out.

"Look Scott and whatever your name is," she pointed towards Daisy, "you guys think you may 'know' Frankie, but I know Frankie. Trust me when I tell you I'd never want her sloppy seconds. Doesn't matter if how the guy looks. Shit, he could Ian Somerhalder and I wouldn't smash even though that's the most gorgeous man alive. I might have said some pretty mean shit to her, but I still love her and sleeping with him, doesn't do it."

"Morning kids," I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see a very happy Charlie Elliot standing beside me.

"Morning Mr. Elliot," Caitlyn said, biting her lip.

"Caitlyn," his smile disappeared. "Anyways, uhh," he stopped, he knew he had to be conscious of his words, "uh, that flower that I had, it experienced a bad, uh, lifetime. So I throw it away because why put the plant in such bad, uh, condition. You get what I'm saying?"

I looked at him confused.

"Also, that bunny rabbit ran away because it saw something it didn't like so it went back to it's whole," he said clearly. That one made more sense.

"Oh," Daisy and I said in unison.

"Was it crying?" Daisy spoke. "What the hell was that flower thing about?" She laughed.

"I don't, I don't know. And no, it looked pretty pissed."

"Where can we find it? Ya know, comfort it?"

"Well, if you give me your phone I could download the information you need. That is unless you already have a feeling. No?"

"Nope. Here," I handed him my phone. When he passed it back, his adress was written in the text bubble of Frankie's messages, it was unsent.

"You know what, something came up. We have to go, enjoy your teenage drama," Daisy said before we both walked along.

So first, Fran has a dream that they come back, and here they are?

Also, Samantha still loves Fran? Was there even love to begin with?

And what the hell is Mickey doing back?

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