" I grew up thinking that my parents couldn't stand me! I felt unloved. I felt some many things. So many things were pent up inside," he sounded like he was going to cry. Mickey wrapped his arms around Scott's shoulder to comfort him. I think it time Daisy and I stepped in.
I nodded my head towards her.
"I thought my cheating lying ex was bad," his head snapped in my direction. A blank expression on his face. I seriously had to stifle a laugh before continuing. I cleared my throat. "But what you three did to your own blood is worse."
"Yeah," Daisy agreed. "What would you have done if you saw your son hanging from the ceiling? And I'm not talking this pathetic excuse for a human," she pointed to Max. Mrs. Flowers face grew player than what it already was. She actually, literally white.
"Yeah. Exactly. You pushed this poor kid to depression and suicide nearly. If he wasn't bad at math, he'd be dead by now. Would you have even cared? Checked on him? Oh no, you'd be too busy vacationing without him." I shot.
"What type of rich idiots get there son coal for Christmas? That's fucking ridiculous. Your rich, buy him an island or something," Daisy shot too.
"So much for brothers, I mean look at you. Come on. Mama's boy can't handle the truth? Boo hoo. Grow up bitch. Your the reason why he's like this so don't cry now you puss," I said to Max.
"None of you deserve his love nor affection. He's an amazing person. The only reason for his dickyness is because of you shits. So guess what, your uninvited to our party. Leave or else it's going to get pretty ugly," Daisy said.
"No!" His mother shouted. "I will not let you people make me feel bad about my choices. So he was suicidal? We all were at a time-"
"You know what mom!? You are such an idiot. This was literally for fucking 6 years of my life. 6 years of me thinking, drawing, writing about ways to kill myself! And your trying to relate? You grew up rich. You could have gotten whatever when ever. I grew up being called a 'pretty boy' and making people with insecurities feel like-"
"YOOOO!" Someone barged in. I wasn't sure who it was but he looked familiar.
"ANDREW!" Scott yelled. Forgetting about everything almost.
And oh, him.
"HUG ME BRUTHA!" Scott and Andrew ran towards each other. They ate each other in a hug. "How are you man? Were you crying?"
"Almost. Big boys don't cry though."
"Yup." Andrew put his hand up and Scott smacked it.
"Um you know what. Were leaving. Honey get your things lets go," Scott's mother demanded.
They all went threw the apartment to find there things before leaving. Slamming the door.
"What was that all about?" Andrew asked confusedly.
"Nothing. It's nothing. I'm fine. But um, I'd like you to finally meet some people," Scott pulled Andrew along. "This is Frankie. Remeber her?"
He squinted his eyes at me. "Hmm. She was the one who was bestfriends with Samantha right?"
"Yes. Keywordwas," he said at once in a low voice. "Lets keep it moving." He pulled him some more. "This is Daisy and her boyfriend Matt."
"Ew, I hate that. Don't say boyfriend."
"Fine than, significant other."
"And this is-"
"Don't you find it weird how they just...left?" Mickey asked all of a sudden.
"Whatever it is...or the reason...I'm sure she was just being over dramatic or something. Just ignore her," he waved off.
Anyways, this is my boyfriend. Mickey," he proudly introduced.
"Hi. I'm Andrew," he stuck his hand out. I could tell it was definitely awkward for him.
"Mickey. I heard very little about you," Mickey joked.
"Same." Andrew scratched the back of his neck.
That night, we actually enjoyed ourselves. Samatha and I didn't really communicate much but it went well. My parents liked Charlie, Charlie liked them. It was all good.
Me and Mickey's parents finally got the real reason as to why we broke up. Our parents were disappointed but it was whatever.
Of course my mom found a new way to embarrass me.
So I guess it was fun up until my mother made me cry.
Anyways, Samantha's parents seemed totally off of it. Samantha was distant. She didn't make much conversation with anyone but Mickey and Scott I guess.
So well, the night was pretty okay I guess.
These are technically the people I'm going to be spending a lot of time with. Can't wait to see what they bring...
Oh yeah, and Mathews parents...Funniest humans I've ever met!
So next chapter is unfortunately the epilogue. But, it has different parts so its all good.

Diversos{COMPLETED}{Caution: Old Story} {#5 - CHUBBY (September 28 2019)} "You guy's ever think about having a threesome?" "A what?" "A threesome." "Are you serious?" "Well yeah. Plus it's the perfect way for little ol Frankie to lose that flower of her's."...