It wasn't until I heard laughing that I realized, something was off. I don't live kids. I'm completely alone so, who the hell was laughing?
"You owe me 100 bucks Flowers. Pay up."
My head immediately popped up. I came to look at Scott and some light skinned girl. Both with big goofy smiles on there faces.
"Hey Mr. Elliot. How was your night. Or, morning I should say." Shit. Shit. Shit. I fell asleep.
Scott on the other hand had a mischievous smile on his face. Was he up to something.
"It's's not what you think. I uh-"
"You uh, slept with Frankie? Did she tell you she was a virgin?" Scott tilted his head to the side in question.
"How'd you know it was early morning?" I ignored the questions he had asked before.
"Obvious. We came back at 11:30 and Frankie was still asleep so we left. We came back at around 12:30 maybe later and she wasn't there. Came back and now we're being greeted to a naked Mr. Elliot lying next to a naked Frankie. Salutatorian Mr. Elliot. I'm a fucken genius."
"Hmm. Let me guess, Frankie was valedict?"
"No. Her evil ex bestfriend was. Frankie should have been but she got suspended. Long story," the girl shrugged.
"Who are you, again?"
"Oh. I'm Daisy. Together, Scott, Frankie and I make," she paused.
"The Threesome!" They all shouted. Even Frankie. But it was more like a mumble than a shout.
"Frankie you up? Rise and shine whore!" Scott went over to her side of the bed and pulled her off.
"Scott what the hell! I'm naked!" She shouted.
"Yeah I know. Now get the hell up! And you," he pointed to me, "don't you have a class to prepare for?" He held the clock up.
"Holy shit! I'm late! Fuck!" I frantically jumped out the bed and gathered my things. "Bye Frankie. I'll see you in class."
Totally ignoring the girl standing directly infront of me, I put my clothes on.
"Mm bye." The girl said as I rushed out.
I was by my door searching for my key when a very annoying student approached me.
"Mr. Elliot," she flirtatiously called out. "Rough night? With who?" She placed her manicured hand on my chest and caressed it.
"Look, Cynthia, we can't do anything. It's inappropriate and I could lose my job. Not to mention that fact that I don't find you attractive, at all," I removed her hand from chest.
"Your just saying that," she snapped.
"No. It's the truth. And don't you have class? The same class you missed yesterday?"
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes and walked away.
Jesus Christ.
Your probably wonder what that was. Well, Cynthia's parents are good friends with my parents. When we were younger, I had to babysit her. She was fucken nuts. She cut her hair and shit when she didn't get her way. I'm guessing that's why she had a haircut now. But she was always throwing herself at me no matter how illegal it was.
I'm fucken 25 going 26. That's an eight year age difference. What is she insane?
"I am so sorry I'm late. Long night last night and didn't get in til...the morning," I mumbled that last part.
"Morning Mr. Elliot," Scott boomed. Huge smile on face. Wasn't a genius smile.
"Morning Scott," I gave him a smile as well.
"Morning Mr. Elliot," Cynthia walked passed my desk and winked.
"Morning," I said under my breath.
Then, gasped filled the air.
"Fatty Frankie. You bitch!"
I turn to see Cynthia standing in between, but over Frankie and Scott's desk.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Frankie seemed aggravated.
"Getting my education," Cynthia replied.
"To be what?" Frankie asked.
"Fran, it's obvious. She's training to be a slut," Scott answered.
"Okay, that's enough," I mistakenly chuckled a little.
Cynthia sat down a desk on the other side of the room.
"Good. Now we could start. I'd like to continue with what we talked about yesterday. Mistakes. But, this time, I want you to think about how your life would be different if you hadn't made those mistakes. For example, Scott, what do you think would have happened if you hadn't said those things to Frankie?"
"Uhh, she'd be sitting here with Samantha. Or, I don't know, maybe she'd be my girlfriend or something." He gave me a look after that last one. Almost as if he was reading me and trying to get under my skin. "Yeah. I'd settle for girlfriend," he gave me a phony smile as he bit down on his pen.
"But you said she was like a sister. So don't you think you'd eventually just be friends?" I tilted my head in question. I knew what game he was playing and I could play it too.
"Not before I took her virginity," he mirrored my phony smile and tilted head.
"Scott," Frankie slapped his arm.
"He asked a question," he chuckled.
"Mmm. Scott, I learn something new about you everyday. You like playing games don't you?"
"I like a little charades. Maybe some 20 questions. Definitely something were wearing clothes, at midnight, til dawn, is optional," he winked then started drawing something in his book.
I couldn't help but look at Frankie and nearly lose it. Damn she was sexy.
Take your mind off of that. Think of Cynthia. She isn't sexy.
I turned and smiled to the class.

Random{COMPLETED}{Caution: Old Story} {#5 - CHUBBY (September 28 2019)} "You guy's ever think about having a threesome?" "A what?" "A threesome." "Are you serious?" "Well yeah. Plus it's the perfect way for little ol Frankie to lose that flower of her's."...