We were walking back to his hotel room to which he explained if he gets things together he may permanently move there. A whole lot of stuff I didn't really care about.
We were at this fancy over priced hotel. And then in his room where he starts to unbutton his shirt.
"Woah, woah. What're you doing?" I put my hands up to cover my eyes.
"Showing you my tattoo," he answered in a duh tone.
My face was completely covered at this point. I didn't want to see his boy parts.
"You could open your eyes you know. Nothing to be afraid of," he slowly removed my hands from my face. I immediately gasped at the sight. On his body, his stomach, chest, etc, was a perfect ink drawing of flowers on a sunny day. The flowers rooted from his, crotch area I'm assuming. Then the flowers sprouted up to this man tit. The rest of his body was the background, including clouds, sun, and sunshine. It was such a sight. Scott just had a few flowers here and there.
"Wow." I continued staring at the beautiful sight. But then, I thought about somethings Scott said. "So why did you feel the need to judge Scott," I crossed my arms over my chest.
"I was a little jealous when he got a tattoo. When he was about 5 and I was about 10, we said we'd get a tattoo together. It was just me being a good big brother and wanting to hype up my younger brother. When he got it before me, to which he probably forgot, I was jealous so I tried breaking down his self esteem. Obviously it just made him more upset. Not to mention the fact that my parents still and always have treat him like shit and talk about him like he's shit. And when I was younger, I followed my parents directions but growing up, I realized it was bad. But for some reason, I just always felt the need to let Scott know I was better than him. Truth is I am but-"
I cut off his constant talking. "Okay stop. I get it was your parents influence and all but like, your five, FIVE years apart. You seriously telling me your that fucking stupid. You were that fucking brainwashed?"
He finally decided to sit down. A smile grazed his features. "I guess I am."
Well at least he's telling the truth. "Look kid," I placed my hand on his shoulder, "I knew my brother was a dumbass. It didn't take 'til 23 you fucking moron. I don't know how your going to make this better, but you need to find some way. Maybe, just maybe I'll help you." An ever bigger smile showed on his face at my last words. Without any other words, he smashed his lips against mines.
I don't know why I kissed back. I just did. UGHHHH. I've kissed sooo many boys in the past. Bad ones. But like, this one felt different. It tasted different. It tasted like rich, like money, like gold. Like super expensive scotch. Something I'd want to soak my lips in to savor all the flavor. Sooo many thoughts rushing through my head.
"I'm sorry...I was tempted," he said between breaths.
I don't know what got into me but I just kissed him again.
God I feel like an asshole. The whole night we made out. I even let him, I LET HIM, feel on my boobs. In all honesty it wasn't much to feel but that's okay. It still felt good.
And that's the problem. It felt good. His lips on mine, his hands on my boob. I feel terrible. Scott is going to kill me!
Saturday night.
I went to knock on my roommates door to tell her that I was leaving for the night. I also told her that if my friends come over, tell them that I was sleeping. Like, a death sleep or something.
I share an apartment close to campus with one of the students older sister. Racheal is cool and all. She's...rad.
I feel guilty doing what I'm doing. I'm going behind Scott's back. It's for a good cause though. Him and his brother could rekindle their relationship and I can get a little...appreciating for my existents. It all works out. So yeah, I might be betraying my best friend ever. But hey... Who am I kidding, I feel horrible. Literally the worst. I'm just as much shit as Max is.
I'm going to tell Scott.
Just not tonight...

De Todo{COMPLETED}{Caution: Old Story} {#5 - CHUBBY (September 28 2019)} "You guy's ever think about having a threesome?" "A what?" "A threesome." "Are you serious?" "Well yeah. Plus it's the perfect way for little ol Frankie to lose that flower of her's."...