nine - ghostly devils

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Since skools starting, uploads are going to rather be between 7 and 8 o'clock. Or 3 and 4 o'clock.


It's 12:10 and I'm heading to the dinner to meet up with Charlie. You know, the more I say 'meet up' in my head, the more I find it kind of weird. But, that's what I'm going to do.

I walked in to see a bright and shiny smile smiling at me. "Hey," I said sitting in the booth with Charlie.

"Hey," he excitedly replied back. "You want anything?"

"Sure let me just- aww fuck!" Standing in front of me was Cynthia and...and...Mickey...and..."Samantha." I angrily let out.

"Is this who your giving all your time too?" Mickey childishly let out.

"Oh yes. Because I'm fucking my teacher," I sarcastically let out. Even though it was true, once.

"Well, well, well. Looks like nothings changed," Cynthia looked a Charlie.

"Excuse me?" Charlie laughed.

"You heard me."

"I heard you but I don't get what you mean," he replied.

"You two know each other out of class?" I confusingly asked.

"Yeah. I used to babysit her. Plus our families are close. Sure do wish I hadn't though," he mumbled that last part.

"Ohh. I see," I said, trying to hold back a laugh.

"So Cynthia, let me guess, your obsessed with him. Your of course mad at me and will probably start calling me fat again. And you bought these two idiots to what? Fuck with me?"

"No. These idiots just happen to be here on there own. Well, Mickey came to visit his sister and Samantha came to visit me. We just happen to come here for some food."

You see, Cynthia wasn't some blonde idiot who cared about her blonde hair, clothes, and people's opinion. Cynthia had very short blonde hair, wore whatever her mood was, and didn't care if people called her slut, or whore, or stupid. But, she was bat shit crazy. She had goals and wouldn't stop 'til she reached it. So, I get why Charlie wouldn't want to babysit her. She wasn't a cliché, no, she was fucking insane.

"Nice. You could go now. Your interrupting," I pulled out papers from the bookbag I had on.

"Oh. Your doing work?" Cynthia asked, kind of shocked.

"Yeah. Why else would we be here? I need some extra help so I asked him to help me."

"Oh please. You could have been valedictorian," Samantha let out.

"Could have been but you stole it from me you stupid bitch."

"Whatever Frankie. I'm not here to fight or argue." She rolled her eyes and walked away. They followed.

"I'm assuming they are your bad past."

"As Scott loves to say, obvious."



"Awww shut up!" I yelled at the alarm clock.

Last night was sooo stressful.

"Oh your up," Daisy said.

"Yeah. And oh my god yesterday or this morning was insane," I mumbled into my arm.

"What do you mean?" Scott sat down at the edge of the bed.

"I mean this morning. With Charlie. We saw Samantha and Mickey."

"Who's Charlie? And, are you okay? What the hell are you talking about?" Scott asked confused.

"Um Mr. Elliot and yes I'm fine. And what do you mean 'What the hell are you talking about?' I'm talking about at the dinner. I had plans with Charlie remember?"

"Umm, except you never went. You fell asleep at like 10. And you stayed asleep the whole time," Scott informed me.

"But I- I saw your brother, and Samantha and-"

"Honey, I think you were dreaming," Daisy put her hand on my forehead.

"But it felt so real. Plus, that would mean that I stood Charlie up. Oh no," I slapped my forehead.

"Aw. If it makes you feel any better we looked for him to tell him that you would not wake up. I'm sorry, we couldn't find him."

"What the fuck." I rubbed my face with the palm of my hands. "I'm such an ass. And why did you two let me go to sleep? And was the max thing real?"

"Yeah. Max was there. Full flesh. And because you seemed pretty beat," Scott told me.

"Damn. I feel like an asshole. I'll be back." I jumped out of bed.

"Where you going?" Daisy yelled as I exited.

"I'll be back!"



"Mr. Elliot?" I peeked my head through the door.

"What happen last night?" Was the first thing I heard from him.

I fully stepped into the classroom. "My friends said I blacked out and didn't wake up. It's weird because I thought I was with you last night. We were at the diner then all these bad people came and...yeah. Then next I hear my alarm clock and my friends are there telling me I fell asleep at 10 and, I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel any better, they tried looking for you." I pouted for dramatic effect.

He let out a breath. He just looked at me for while before saying, "I believe you."

"Oh my God you do? Thank you," I ran up  to his sitting self and gave him a hug. At first he didn't hug me back, but soon, his arms snaked around my body and I was being pulled down. Almost straddling him.

"You just woke up?" His voice huskier than ever.


He hummed in response. Then, his lips found a way to mines. Oops.

"Well..." click "Well..." click "Well..." click. "Look what we have here."

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