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He saw her reading as he walked past her. He looked at the girl he once had. His only happiness.

She seemed so lost in her book, she didn't realise that he was standing a few feet away from her. She seemed much happier now than before.

She had grown tired of waiting for him, of being the only one putting her all into the relationship. She had loved him dearly and he loved her too. He just didn't show it often. He regretted it now, of course. Nothing seemed right without her.

He thought about everything; what he did and what he could have done. He lost her and it was all his fault.

At that moment, she looked up and her eyes met his. And in that moment he saw how much he destroyed her. Because she let her guard down, only just for a second and he saw the hurt in her eyes. He saw the hurt he caused and that was enough to lower his gaze.

'I'm such a coward,' He thought. 'I can't even look at her.'

He hated himself even more. He had hurt the girl who would do anything for him. He realised how much he loved her too late. And now he'd have to suffer the consequences.

StarGiirl96 xx

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