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Beyoncé's POV ~1 month later

"Pleassssssse one more time!" Marisa and Malcolm begged.

I laughed, "We already just did it three times!" We took them to Disney World for a few days and they're obsessed with Space Mountain.

"I'm not feeling so great, Ima sit this one out," Skai said.

"I'll take them on it again," Shawn said. "Alright, who's ready for Space Mountain?!" he said to the twins excitedly.

"We are!!!" they replied.

"Come on!" he took both of their hands and walked back to the line. I smiled at how cute they were.

Skai sat down on a bench and I sat down next to her.

"When did you start not feeling good?" I asked.

"Just before the last round of Space Mountain, I'm sure that didn't help," she said.

"Yeah probably not. Check your sugar level just to be safe." (a/n: if you don't remember from the first book Skai has type 1 diabetes)

She checked it and it was very low, "Can you get me an orange juice or something please?" she asked and I went and bought one for me.

After taking a few sips she said, "Ok, this is making me feel more nauseous, I think I'm gonna go back to the hotel for a little bit."

"Alright, well I'm gonna come back with you to make sure you don't pass out or go into hypoglycemic shock or anything."

"You don't have to, I don't wanna ruin your vacation. I can take care of myself."

"I won't enjoy it if I'm here worrying about you. Let me just text Shawn and let him know what's going on then we'll go."

The whole drive back to the hotel Skai was trying to hold back from throwing up because she forced herself to drink the orange juice so she wouldn't pass out.

As soon as we got to the room she ran to the bathroom and threw up, I sat next to her and held her hair and rubbed her back.

"My poor baby....you think all them roller coasters was just too much for you."

She sighed and looked over at me, "I'm six weeks pregnant."

I almost spit out my water but tried to play it cool because I remembered how awful I felt when my dad freaked out on me when I told him I was pregnant.

"Ok," was all I could get out. "Is it um....Brandon's or Jayson's?"

She shook her head, "I don't know."

My eyes widened and I stood up, "Skai Kelendria Knowles Carter if I've taught you one thing in my life-"

She cut me off, "Hey, hey, hey, I'm kidding!"

I sighed a sigh of relief, "About being pregnant or about not knowing who the father is?"

"Brandon is the father. And I am pregnant and you're the first person I've told and I'm freaking out so I really need you to be the calm one right now."

I took a few breaths, "Ok baby, come here, it's ok," I said hugging her. "It's all gonna be ok. Do you know what you're gonna do?"

"I know I'm gonna keep it, but that's about it, honestly. I only have one year of school left so after that I'll be able to get a job and an apartment and support me and the baby but I don't know what I'm gonna do for this next year, I-"

I cut her off because she rambles when she gets stressed out.

"Baby, you know that money isn't an object for me and your dad. We'll support you and the baby for anything you need while you finish school, ok? I don't want you to worry about that."

She wiped the tears that were coming from her eyes, "Thank you, thank you so much, I don't deserve that, this is such a mistake."

She smiled. "When I was a little bit older than your age I made the same mistake, and it was the best thing that's ever happened to me."

I smiled, "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Skai."

"Please just keep this between us now, I don't want anyone else to know until Brandon does."

"Of course...What do you think Brandon will say when you tell him?"

"He's such a good guy, I think he'll want to be there to support me and the baby. But he's so young and just starting his career, I don't wanna burden him with anything."

I raised one eyebrow at her, "Uh uh girl, you're young and starting your career too, and I'm sure he wasn't shy when he came to making the baby so his ass better not get shy now."

I laughed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Alright I'll try to tell him when I get home. I just found out myself like a week ago."

"Why'd you wait to tell me?"

"I don't know I thought you'd be disappointed."

"Baby, I could never be disappointed in you. And no matter what Brandon or anyone else says, I'll be here for you every step of the way."

Grown Woman (Sequel to "Be Without You") [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now