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Skai's POV

"Yay!!!" Marisa cheered as she picked up her card in Candy Land and moved her player into the lead.

"Not fair!" Malcolm said, pouting and crossing his arms.

"Malcolm, if you're gonna be a sore loser we can't play the game anymore, ok?" my mom said in a warning tone.

"Fine," he said still pouting and crossing him arms.

My mom just gave him a look and he automatically uncrossed his arms and un-pouted his lips, "Sorry mama," he said smiling.

She smiled and kissed the top of his head, "There you go, baby, now it's your turn."

He picked up his card and moved his player the right number of spaces.

We continued playing, with my mom and I only moving our players forward one or two spaces on each turn in order to let one of the babies win.

"Yay!! I won!" Marisa cheered as her player moved to the last space on the board.

"Good job! Can we play again?" Malcolm asked.

My mom and I both laughed, we were already on our fourth round of Candy Land and I think we were both ready for a break.

"How about some lunch and then maybe we can play again after, are y'all hungry?"

The twins both nodded.

"Mac and cheese or peanut butter and jelly?"

"Mac and cheese!" they both said.

"Alright, I'll get it ready," my mom said getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Sissy, can we play again while mommy makes us lunch?" Marisa asked, smiling at me.

"Of course, baby," I said, I could never say no to her precious smile. I'm finna spoil my future daughter rotten.

"Yay!" her and Malcolm both cheered. If nothing else, these two usually agree on almost everything.

I laughed and shuffled the deck of cards.

We made it through two more rounds of the game and I figured my mom would be done cooking the mac and cheese by then, after all, it was just the kind from the box, pretty much all she had to do was boil water.

"Why don't you two clean the game up and wash your hands to eat, I'll be right back, ok?"

"Okay," they answered.

I walked into the kitchen to find my mom sitting down at the kitchen table with her head buried in her hands.

"Hey," I said sitting next to her putting my hand on her shoulder, "Everything okay?"

She looked up at me, "Oh, yeah I was just boiling the water and suddenly I started to feel kind of light headed like I might pass out so I'm just taking a minute."

"Ok, here, come on, why don't you go lie down on the couch and I'll get the Mac and cheese ready?"

She nodded, "Ok that sounds good." I put my arm around her to help her up in case she passed out. "Oh shit mom!" I shouted in horror when I saw that there was a pool of her blood in the chair she was sitting on.

"What, what's going on?" She asked confused.

"Mom, you're bleeding, ok, just sit back down. I'm gonna put the twins in your room to watch a movie and call 911."

"I really feel like I'm gonna pass out."

"Just put your head down, don't hit your head, I'm gonna call, ok?"

She nodded and put her head down, she was so out of it, I had never seen her like this.

I quickly called 911 and put the twins in my parents room to watch the movie they picked, The Lion King.

I texted my dad, "Mom is bleeding and lightheaded I called 911, I have the twins, go meet her at the hospital."

I went at sat down next to my mom in the kitchen until the ambulance got there. I wrapped my arm around her, "Everything is gonna be ok, mom, everything's gonna be ok."

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