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Skai's POV

"Good afternoon Ms

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"Good afternoon Ms. Knowles-Carter, how are you today?" the receptionist at the Roc Nation offices greeted me.

I smiled, "I'm great, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you for asking. If you're here to see your father you can go right ahead."

"Thank you, I'm actually meeting someone here in the lobby."

"Okay, then make yourself comfortable."


I sat down and waited for Brandon to come out. I told him I would meet him after work today for my ultrasound appointment. I'm 18 weeks so they should be able to tell the baby's gender today.

I pulled out my phone to scroll through my Instagram and in a few minutes Brandon was there.

I stood up to meet him and he gave me a quick kiss, "Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

"I feel great...and excited! You ready to go?"

"Yeah I-"

Suddenly he was interrupted by an overly enthusiastic girl coming off of the elevators screaming, "Oh my goodness, Brandon is that you?!"

Suddenly he was interrupted by an overly enthusiastic girl coming off of the elevators screaming, "Oh my goodness, Brandon is that you?!"

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He looked confused until he turned around and I guess he recognized whoever it was. "Hey Kylie, what are you doing here?"

"I just got a job here working in the marketing department, do you work here too?!"

"Yeah, I'm interning here actually."

"No way! That's amazing," she said, touching his arm.

I was already giving her major side eye but it was clear that I needed to insert myself into this situation before I had to fuck up a bitch.

I put my arm around Brandon's waist and cleared my throat and he looked over at me, "Oh right, sorry, Kylie this is my girlfriend Skai. Skai, this is Kylie, she's an old friend from college."

"It's sooo nice to meet you Skai," Kylie said sticking out her hand to shake mine. I really didn't like this girl.

I shook her hand while giving her a fake smile and internally rolled my eyes, "Soooo nice to meet you too, Kayla."

Grown Woman (Sequel to "Be Without You") [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now