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Beyoncé's POV

"Daddy!" I heard Marisa and Malcolm yell excitedly, letting me know that Shawn was home. I swear whether it's me, Shawn, or Skai, those twins are always so excited to see everyone. It's honestly adorable.

Shawn walked over to me holding Marisa in one arm and Malcolm in the other and gave me a kiss, "Hey, baby."

"Hey," he smiled and put the twins down, "Whatchu cooking for, you've been on your feet all day at work let me do it."

"Shawn, I'm fine."

He rolled his eyes, "You got like 6 weeks left Bey, please just try to take it easy for 6 more weeks. Besides, it's better if I cook anyway," he said smiling.

I gave him a look as I sat down at the kitchen table, "You're annoying - correct - but annoying."

He just laughed as he looked at the ingredients I already had set out on the counter, "Whatchu tryna make?"

"Cajun pasta with chicken."

"Alright, bet, I got this, just relax for like a second, Bey," he said, kissing me on the forehead. 

"Fine, fine." 

He looked over the recipe then looked in the fridge. "We're outta cream, I'll run to the store and get some."

"It's ok, I can go," I said, getting up.

"It's really gonna kill to you take it easy for these 6 weeks isn't it?"

"Fine, you go."

"You going to the store? Ima come with cause I know I want something sweet but I don't know what. I'll know it when I see it," Skai said as she waddled into the kitchen with her 36 weeks pregnant ass, causing me to laugh.

"Don't laugh at me, I saw you finish off a box of the twins' Gushers last night, you ain't slick," she said.

I just kept laughed, "I ain't got nothin to be ashamed of, just pick up another box of Gushers while you're at the store, alright?"

Shawn laughed and shook his head, "You two are a whole mess but I gotchu, be back in a few," he said as he kissed me goodbye.


Skai's POV

"I dunno, butter pecan ice cream and cookies and cream both sounding real good right now," I said, deep in thought, as I walked through the ice cream aisle.

My dad shrugged, "Get both and mix them together."

I nodded, "See that is a great idea, I always knew you were smart - ooh but wait I didn't see the rocky road before...this changes things."

He laughed, "I'll go get the other stuff we need while you figure this out, I'll be back."


I continued pondering which ice cream flavor to get when I heard a familiar voice say, "Skai? Is that you?" I closed my eyes and sighed, mentally preparing to deal with this person. 

I turned around, "Yes, Kylie?"

"Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything with Brandon."

"Oh....kay," I said, not really sure how to respond. I didn't want to say it's okay because it definitely wasn't. 

"I mean," she continued, "It's been so hard on him. He really wants to be with me, he just feels bad because of you and the baby. He's such a good man, he just wants to do the right thing."

I chuckled lightly, "You crazy bitch," I said in disbelief. I mean, I knew Kylie was crazy, I just didn't know she was crazy crazy. 

"Honestly, can you blame him though? You really think that instead of being with me he wants to be with some dusty ass pregnant chick?"

"Sweetie, you're lucky my dusty ass is pregnant or I'd throw down in the middle of the ice cream aisle. Have a nice night, Kaylee."

Before she could reply, my dad walked around the corner with the rest of the groceries  we needed. 

"Oh hi Mr. Carter!" Kylie said, flashing a big fake smile. 

"Kylie, you got until Monday to have your shit outta the office, you're fired."

Both of our jaws dropped. 

"You can't be serious!" she said.

My dad shrugged, "Yet somehow I am, you ready to go?" he asked, turning to me.

I grabbed the carton of rocky road ice cream out of the freezer, "Yup. Bye Kyla!" 

"It's Ky-lie!" she shouted angrily as we walked away. 

"Alright, that was awesome," I said high-fiving my dad. "Thank you."

He smiled, "We don't need that kind of crazy in the office." 

I nodded, "That's for sure." 

After we paid for the food and walked back to the car I asked my dad to drop me off at Brandon's on the way home, which he did, luckily he didn't live too far out of the way. 

I knocked on the door and he smiled when he saw me, "Hey baby, I really gotta get you a key to my place, especially for after the baby's born."

I smiled and kissed him, "I would like that."

"I'll take care of it tomorrow. Is everything okay? I didn't expect to see you tonight."

"I just missed you. Can I stay over?" 

"Of course," he said wrapping his arm around me as we walked into his apartment. We sat down on the couch and I snuggled up to him to eat my ice cream as we watched whatever football game was on TV. 

He stroked my hair and occasionally kissed my temple and cheek as we quietly watched TV. Normally, this would be perfect, but even though it was crazy, something about what Kylie said was eating away at me. 

"Brandon, can I ask you something?" 

"Of course."

"If I wasn't pregnant with your baby...you'd still wanna be with me, right? You're not just with me because you feel trapped, or something?"

He looked at me like I was crazy, "Skai, are you crazy? I'm in love with you. I loved you before you were pregnant, I love now, and I'll love you long after our girl is born. I loved you before you even knew if you wanted to be with me. I'm not trapped."

I wiped a tear that came to my eyes, pregnancy has me more emotional that usual. 

"I love you so much, Brandon."

"I love you too."


I had a really hard time coming up with the idea for this update for whatever reason so thanks for your patience. Please vote and comment! 

Also, I have an important question for all the readers. Part of me was thinking about ending this once Skai and Bey's babies are born but part of me wants to continue after that. Let me know what you want to see happen in the comments! 

Grown Woman (Sequel to "Be Without You") [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now