Chapter 19

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To say that I am tired is an understatement.I quickly make my way to my room after the little interview with Nat to sleep.

I wake up to a blood curdling scream coming from downstairs.Ohhh come on!!I can't have a peaceful sleep for once in my life!!?

I make my way downstairs,following the noises,to find myself in the basement.I quicken my pace towards the  cells and lying on the floor is an unconscious Emilia.I grab a water bottle from the nearby table and try to sprinkle some water on her face to wake her up.Why didn't I just open the cell??Well it's not hard to guess..I don't know where that stupid brother of mine placed the keys.I think that he carries it with him.

After a few minutes,she finally gains consciousness and stands up.she hurries towards me and grabs my hand which was on the bars firmly,not letting go.

"Are you okay??",i said,irritation dripping from my tone.I don't like the fact that she is touching me at all!
" Yeah..I'm fine now that you are here.",she said with lustful eyes.

I tried yanking my hand away and in the split of a second,I don't know how,she's kissing me.I was trying to break free from her when I heard a gasp from behind me.I quickly break free from Emilia while she was finding the source of the gasp.

I turn around to find Nat standing,shocked.I feel remorse.I don't know why but i feel guilty...What's happening to me!!!


They were kissing..but what is it to me?I shouldn't care.Afterall it's not we're dating or anything."I-I am sorry for disturbing you..I'll leave you guys..Uhmm i'll be in my room..",I said and went out of there without wasting any time.I can hear Damon calling my name but I just ignored him.I need some time to figure myself out for now.

Two hours passed and i finally made my way to the basement and I so thankful to be there in time.Standing with a gun in his hand is Damon,pointing the gun to Emilia and screaming at her.

"DAMON STOP IT!!Look,you gotta calm down first..we can talk this out..",I said,approaching him slowly but surely.My hands make their way to his shoulders as i make him look at me.At first,he was tensed when i touched him but then he relaxed.I grab a nearby chair and sit him down,my eyes not leaving him to make sure of his actions."Now tell me what happened.Why were you fighting?",i said,exchanging looks between him and Emilia.

"NO ONE CAN F*UCKING TOUCH ME!!AND THAT B*TCH JUST...",Damon said or should i say screamed.

"Look we ain't got time to think about these stupids things right now.Jack can be back anytime and we can't risk that.We've got to find something to be able to open this cage.",i said frustrated.

Really!!That's all he cares for,someone touching him. We begin searching around the room first and my eyes landed on something..a paperclip.I take it and do what i did to do when i was in high school..and yes,i was a 'bad girl' back in my school days.After 5 full minutes of struggling,i finally was able to open the cage.I got Emilia out before rushing upstairs and started thrashing around searching for a bag and some useful things that we'd need during our journey to follow.

I luckily found two torchlight,four sandwiches and two bottles of water.I couldn't find anything as a weapon so i just decided to set out for our journey instead of wasting anymore time.I am already hella tired.Damon and Emilia were just talking among themselves not giving a damn sh*t that i did all the work!

And you might be wondering why are we not just facing jack as we'd obviously win.we're 3 against one.But both of the brothers,Damon and Jack are not mentally stable so we cannot depend on them too much.I don't know what might go through their mind at anytime,anywhere. We finally set out and began walking and walking and walking for what felt for hours until i slumped down against a tree.We decided to take a small break and had a sandwich and some water each as it was already o4:30 p.m.Damn we really walked for hours!

To say i was exhausted was an understatement.I didn't even bother to get some food in my system,instead i just drank some water and took a little nap.The darkness of sleep was finally begin to consume me when out of a sudden,my head jerks up from Damon's shoulder.There was rustling noises coming from nearby.Emilia started gripping on Damon's arm as if her life depended on it and it somehow irritated me.I got up,ready to approach the noise to check it put when Damon stopped me from doing so.

"Are you crazy??You were really gonna check that out by yourself and without any weapon??You must be nuts girl!",he said and took out a pocket knife that was in his pocket{obviously..It's a POCKET knife:)}

He went in front of me protectively and we headed towards the source of the noise to find.....a dead rabbit??..The sight in front of me made me want to throw up and guess what!..I did it.The insides of the rabbit was everywhere on the ground.It surely couldn't have been the doing of an animal or else the animal would've eaten it and not leave it here like that.Damon and i exchanged confused looks before looking around us....."SH*T!",we both said at the same time before hearing a bloodcurdling scream.We once again ran towards the scream and let me tell you that i did NOT at all expect us to be running this much.

"Hey babe!Missed me?",said jack looking right into my eyes.I broke the eye contact with him right away to look down and i instantly regretted it.Laying on the ground was....


I was attempting to write 1000 word but in vain:(....I got about 959 but anyway have a good day or night!!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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