Chapter 16

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I tried so hard not to break down but in the end I couldn't.It is all too much for me to take in.Taking in a long big breath,I start narrating to her my story.

D-"It all started when my mother was accidentally pregnant by one of his clients.She had many complications during her pregnancy and ended up being dead on the operation table while delivering the baby.My father couldn't take in all that happened and became an alcoholic.Everyday,when he came home,he used to beat me.Eventually he stopped working and I was the one earning money.My little sister and Jack was the only one for whom I continued to live without giving up.And 3 months later,my dad passed away.Then when my sister was raped, at that same time,Jack used to kill bunnies and talk to no one in his room.I tried to persuade him to go to a psychiatrist but he threatened me saying that he will commit suicide.Many years later,I found out that the group of drunk boys that had raped my sister was no other than Jack's friends.And what made me more angry towards him is that even he was include in the group.He was watching each one of his friends raping my little angel while he was busy laughing and in the end he raped his own step sister.I cut all th connections between us and two years later he came back after killing an officer while he was on duty.When I asked him why did he do that,he replied that it is fun to do so.He continued kidnapping young teenagers,raped them and then assassinated then brutally.He then started to threaten me to take the blames or he would kill so many people that there wouldn't be enough place to bury them and that the first to die would be my loved ones,my friends.I thought that he wouldn't dare to do it but he proved me wrong.All the crimes that had been committed was his deeds but the blame was on me all the time.I HATE HIM!",I said,looking up to see a frightened Natalie.


WTHH!!All these times he had been wrongly accused of.And us,the police,were busy chasing Damon while the real criminal is out somewhere.We have been made a fool of. I will definitely get my hands on Jack but first I have to make sure that Damon is telling the truth.I was dating A FREAKING CRIMINAL!!ME,A POLICEWOMAN!!That thought makes me disappointed in myself.

N-"I know that you have gone through a lot Damon and I want to help you but I need  proof to do so",I said staring into his souls,trying to see if he is being honest.
D-"I do have proof.Come...follow me."

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