Chapter 13

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It has now been one month since she left.I felt empty without her and I hate that feeling.It makes me feel weak.I searched for her everywhere but in vain.I don't know if she escaped or someone came to 'rescue' her as I had gone out of the house to get away from her so that I don't hurt her anymore.

After sleepless nights and stressful days,I finally found out that she is staying with my brother.Ohh no!!She doesn't know in what mess she has gotten herself into.

I didn't waste any time to go to Jack's house.


I am now back in the forest with Damon,in his car.He forced me to go with him.I don't want to experience what he did to me the last time I was with him.I am looking at him under my eyelashes while he keeps taking quick glances at me which made me feel uncomfortable.

We arrived back to hell,the house in the forest.But what's strange is that he is being nice to me.He even opens the door for me like a gentleman.He tells me,or more likely orders me to follow him.My heart keeps pounding so hard and my breathing starts being uneven.It would be stupid of me to run away in this dense forest as I'm sure I would be either caught or lost in the forest and be eaten by some wild animals.

I follow him quietly and he makes me sit on the chair that I was previously tied to.My eyes starts tearing up as I fight myself to keep them back.I must admit that I am petrified.My eyes are glued to the ground,afraid to look at him.He clears his throat trying to earn my attention in which he succeeded.

D-"I'm sorry for what I did to you last time.I really am,Nat.I didn't mean to hurt you and I would never want to do it.You are the first person that approached me like I'm a normal person.You are the best friend that I never had.Please forgive me,Nat."

I can see sincerity,remorse and fear present in his beautiful eyes.I cannot believe that he is the man that I was going to take revenge on as I thought that he was the one who assassinated my father but turns out I was wrong.I did some research on him while I was staying in Jack's house.

To be honest,I had already forgiven him the day I found out that he couldn't control himself that day because of his lack of pills.He didn't had a normal childhood like everyone.His father was imprisoned because he was a drug dealer and his mother was a prostitute who abused him everyday.

What's more shocking is that.....

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