Chapter 8- The Plan

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Sheldon could hardly keep still. Professor Meriel from Pasedena University of Sciences was coming down to set this afternoon.

Although he didn't fanboy over pretty girls like normal dudes, he felt his heart jump.Ever since he was 15 and she had been propelled to fame, he had secretly...what was that when you saw someone and you just couldn't stop feeling excited? Oh yes, it's what people call a crush. Of course Sheldon was aware it was just his guy hormones acting up, but he couldn't help but feel more self-conscious.

'Amy, shall I wear my green lantern shirt today? Or is it too passe? '
''Sheldon, you've always looked good no matter what you wear. ' Amy reassured him.
'Well yes, but Professor Meriel's coming on set today. '
'I've been meaning to ask you-how come you haven't invited me?' Amy pouted. 
'Well, all of us are busy with our jobs and I'd hardly have any time to spend with you. ' Sheldon answered smoothly.
'Can't you make an exception? '
'I'm sorry Amy, it's strictly formal and professional work. I wish I could though,' he added quickly to appease her.
'Fine. ' Amy grumbled.
'To make it up to you, we will have a candlelight dinner at Fredo's for dinner.'
Amy felt her heart warm. 'Thank you, Sheldon. '
'Now if you'll excuse me, I need to leave immediately, ' Sheldon said, feeling extremely jumpy.

When Sheldon arrived, Leonard was running through some lines with the director, Raj was telling the assistant director in an animated manner of which angle to shoot from for the next fighting scene, while Howard was listening to the leading lady ramble on and on with a solemn expression on his vacant face.
'I'm sorry to interrupt, but has anyone seen Professor Meriel?' Sheldon announced loudly.
'Did somebody say my name?'
Sheldon whirled around to face his childhood crush. Her cat eye glasses framed her bright emerald eyes perfectly and  her dark brown curls were pulled back in a simple yet pretty ponytail. She was dressed in a white blouse and a pencil skirt with kitten heels. Classy.
'Dr Sheldon, at your service, ' Sheldon blurted out and stretched out a hand awkwardly.

"Of course. I've read your research papers and I enjoy your fresh persepectives." she smiled.

"Thank you." Sheldon wasn't a grinner but he could feel his lips streching over his face uncontrollably.

The pair continued chatting happily.

Oblivious to the light click of a camera just metres away from them.


Howard was feeling exhilirated, torn and on tenterhooks all at the same time. Should he confess to Bernadette that he already knew what was up? Should he abandon his work here and return home? He was reluctant, but it was mean of him to just leave her alone. Still...

"Hey, what's on your mind?" Mikayla touched his arm lightly. He was so glad that she'd reconciled with his sister and they were all good now.

Howard told her truthfully.

"That's great news! Listen, let's wrap this up quickly and take a few days' off. I'll go with you." she said brightly.

"Really? Thanks for understanding," he said gratefully.

"It's my pleasure. And I think you should get something for her..."

Howard was so cauught up in planning and thinking about the flurry of events to come that he totally missed the glint in Mikayla's brooding eyes.


Penny was fuming inwardly.

Ok, she knew she should be happy for Leonard. After all, he got offered a last minute role as the nerd-turned-cute-guy sidekick of the film. What she was miffed about was the actresses fawning over him and him basking in their admiration and totally ignoring her.

"Oh, Leonard darling, you look so suave," a blonde and busty lady cooed like a mother dove.

"Thank you," he blew her a kiss.

Penny couldn't stand it anymore. "Excuse me ladies, one moment." she said coldly.

"What is it Penny?" Leonard said, slightly annoyed and distracted.

"Stop flirting with those bitches." she hissed.

"Aww, is Penny Wenny jelly?" Leonard teased, grinning.

"Leonard Hofstader!" Penny exclaimed. "Why do you think you're some big shot? Because you aren't. There are so many more handsome bachelors out there. You with your dumb nerdy glasses will never make it. I'm so done with you."

She turned and strutted away.

A/n: Comment and vote, my lovely TBBT fans :)

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