Chapter 12-The Love Interests

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Penny and Amy didn't really have to go far to snag a new 'boyfriend'. It was as if everywhere they turned, there were hot guys at every corner. Penny decided though, they were to play hard to get.
So today, Amy had reluctantly donned one of Penny's slightly more conservative tops and a cute skirt. Penny had also made her put in her contacts which highlighted her brown eyes. They were to stroll down the boulevard and wait for someone to cat-call or wolf-whistle at them.
'Just breathe and act natural. Exude confidence, ' Penny advised.
'In this? ' Amy huffed. 'It's an insult and degrading to a feminist such as myself.'
'Remember Aims, it's just temporary. Ooh, will you look at that, 'Penny tried not to fangirl. Walking toward them was none other than the famous rumored 'Youtube couple ', Tyler Oakley  and Troye Sivan.
'Who are they?'Amy squinted.
'Youtubers. The one with bright hair  and adorable glasses is Tyler. ' Penny answered swiftly. Theyre gay, but they obviously don't know, ' she wagged an eyebrow, referring to their boyfrends.

"Tyler and Troye, right?" Penny said coolly as they came closer. "Such a fan of your vids!"

Tyler smiled his adorable crooked smile. "Thank you."

"Can we have a picture?" Penny asked, already getting out her camera.

"Sure," Troye's blue eyes sparkled brightly. Ok, so they were slightly younger than them, but they obviously topped Leonard and Sheldon in the looks department.

After snapping a group photo and 2 individual shots (One of Penny and Tyler and the other of Amy and Troye), Penny was about to ask boldly if they could hang out when Troye invited them to a birthday party of their close friend's.

"It starts at 7pm, so we'll still have a few hours to spare."

"Well.." Penny hesitated. "we could go over to your place and maybe play some games or do a challenge video?" she ventured boldly.

Amy widened her eyes.

"Good idea!" Tyler grinned. "Cmon, I'll go get my car."


Meanwhile, back at Pasedena, Bernadette was spending a lot of time online Skyping with her childhood best friend, Chase. He was still single, but had no interest in finding a partner as he had yet to fulfill his dream of being a professional athlete. Right now, he was working part-time as a gym instructor and took lessons with some of the Olympic finalists at a sports school. How they met and became friends was a surprise-- he was the hunk, the popular guy in school, and Bernadette was just a shy nerd. But, he was a low-profile kind of boy despite his physical attractuveness and frame , and had chosen to hang out with her.Both found a common interest of reading and exceptional ability of understanding science.

"Bernadette, do you want chicken soup or porridge?" Howard yelled.

"Not now, I'm talking to Chase." Bernadette said, annoyed.

Howard forced a smile. "Honey, i feel like you're spending more time with him than me."

"Well you have Mikayla," Bernadette said acidily.

"Speaking of her... are you two fighting or something? You've hardly spoken a word to her." Inside, Howard felt worried that Mikayla had unintentionally divulged the secret.

"I don't know what's up with her. Maybe she feels guilty or ashamed for some reason," Bernadette answered meaningfully, looking at Howard.

Howard coloured. "I'll... go talk to her. And babe, Mikayla can never replace you."

Bernadette sat up straighter and closed her laptop. "Tell me the truth then, What's going on between you two?" she searched his eyes frantically.

"Nothing at all."

"Howard Wolowitz!"

"Fine... we may have... hookedupalittleinHollywood... it's nothing big and it def means nothing to me." Howard mumbled quickly.

"That doesn't explain why she has been acting so frosty all of a sudden!"

"Bernadette, I can't say anything to you now." Howard pleaded, a pained look on his face.

"Well, then, I can't promise nothing's going on between me and Chase." Bernadette answered simply.

The colour drained from Howard's face.

a/n: bit abrupt ending i know, but something big's gonna come up. pls vote and comment as usual!

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