Chapter 10- The Execution

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Bernadette felt like something was off. Not that she didn't enjoy basking in Howard's constant attention for her, but he seemed to be treating Mikayla with extra caution as well, and Mikayla was starting to get very guarded against her. Not as warm and friendly and definitely more closed off.

"Mikayla... is something wrong?" Bernadette finally asked.

"Uhh, nothing." Mikayla smiled wanly. The pair was watching the Ellen Show and both had been laughing their socks off, but they hadn't exchanged a word at all. Her face looked terribly pale and she suddenly made a wretching sound in her throat and rushed to the toilet.

"Are you alright?" Bernadette frowned, feeling very worried.

"It's probably just the chicken soup that didn't sit well with me." Mikayla sighed, slumping on the couch. "Lately I've been getting cravings too."

Bernadette's eyes widened. "Mikayla, I'm sorry if this intrudes your privacy and all, but when did you last have intercourse?"

"Uh... maybe like a month ago?"

"Got your period?"

"No, it's irregular. I'm sure it's just a virus," Mikayla waved off her comment.

Bernadette nodded, unsure.


Amy checked her watch for the twelfth time in a row. She was on the verge of calling the police. Sheldon was never late.

Her back stiffened when she finally spotted him strolling in... laughing and chatting with Professior Meriel.

"Good evening, Sheldon. I apologise for assuming that it would be a date." Amy greeted sarcastically.

"Well, I hope you don't mind that Meriel is joining us. She's been so busy, she didn't have time for lunch, so I offered." Sheldon replied, not catching her sarcasm as usual.

"It's a pleasure to have you." Amy said monotonously.

"Same, I've been wanting to meet the lovely lady who've caught Sheldon's heart." Meriel smiled warmly.

"I'm glad you know now." Amy answered. "goodbye."

Meriel looked bewildered. "Um, I thought-"

Sheldon chuckled. "Amy's just joking, Meriel. Don't take it seriously."

"Oh, right. My bad," Meriel apologised sheepishly.

Amy's phone vibrated on her lap. She knew it was rude to check it now, but what the heck. Meriel doesn't deserve respect.

It was just a update from the news app she'd downloaded. Ok, the tabloid app. It was her little guilty secret, but she didn't want to get laughed at. Besides, she wanted to have more... basic topics to talk to Penny about.

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Professor Meriel dating Dr Sheldon Cooper?

Amy felt her head swim as she grew dizzier. "Professor Meriel, don't you need to go to the ladies'?"

"Uh, I don't-"

"Your mascara is smudged." Amy cut her off. Meriel quickly got up and headed to the washroom.

Amy was shaking badly. 'Sheldon Lee Cooper, what is the meaning of this?" she thrust her phone in his bemused face.

"Amy! Well... I... I never!" Sheldon's jaw dropped. "Why are you perusing a gossip article?"

"That's not the issue here, Dr Cooper." Amy sad frostily. "What were you doing with that..bitch?"

"Hey! She isn't a bitch." Sheldon countered defensively. "Plus, we're just friends. And how can you doubt my love for you?"

"Seeing is believing," Amy scrolled to an image of Sheldon and Meriel.

They were holding hands, their faces close to each other as if they were about to kiss.

"The wonders of Photoshop!" Sheldon gasped.

"Don't lie to me. You've never blew off a date with me. And then you show up with her." Amys voice oozed venom. "Fine. If that's what you want. I'll let you have her. Sheldon Cooper, I terminate my relationship with you. Goodbye."

Sheldon stared as his (ex) girlfriend stormed out of the restaurant.

A/n: Looks like things are heating up! O: Comment and vote! x

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