Chapter 20- The Curtain Call

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Sheldon was just leaving the restaurant when a very out of breath Leonard rushed up to him.

'Thank God I found you. Where's that vixen?' Leonard looked around frantically.

'Excuse me?' As far as Sheldon was concerned, he was quite sure that foxes did not make random appearances in hotels.

'Meriel. Where's that bitch? ' Leonard clenched his teeth.

Sheldon was bemused. 'What's with the use of animal terms today? Feeling creative? ' he snickered at his own joke. 

Just then, Meriel emerged from the ladies '. 'Oh, hello. ' she smiled mildly.

'Does this look familiar? ' Leonard held up a newpaper clipping.

Meriel seemed to grow a shade paler. 'I don't know what you're trying to say.'

'This is you, Mrs Amelia Straye. ' Leonard announced dramatically. 'Seven years ago, you were in an abusive relationship with your then husband. A few months after you started to  grow violent and raged at anyone who dared approach you. It seemed you were subdued for a few years at the mental asylum you were admitted to, but a few days' before your stated date of release which wasn't made known to you, you planned your escape and succeeded. That was when the authorities realised you had not gotten well but it was too late.

'You're a sly one, I must say. You set up a website for women who felt oppressed, feminists and whoever that felt they needed to get revenge. And ofc, you changed your whole identity. Gone was Amelia. You used the knowledge you acquired while you studied in university and rose to fame after establishing connections with the boss of a famous technology company who recognised your talent.' Leonard finished triumphantly.

'That's an extremely elaborate lie.' Meriel clenched her teeth.

'Let the police decide, ' Leonard smirked as the whirring sound of police cars pierced through the air and the intercoms crackled to life with an emergency evacuation announcement.

'Wow... am I... in a dream? This feels very queer. ' Sheldon said in a small voice.

'It's not, Sheldon. Meriel, or shall I say Amelia, has been stringing you all along. ' Leonard said apologetically.

'How'd you know? Have you developed psychic abilities of some sort?' Sheldon rubbed his temples as a dull throbbing started in his head.

'I started to suspect after Penny blew up at me for flirting with the ladies on set,' Leonard said sheepishly. 'I noticed that Professor Meriel was always whispering to them and walking away abruptly or treating them coldly as if she didn't know them afterwards. So I went online and dug up a little info on her background,  and voila, ' Leonard finished warily, his eyes softening as he searched Sheldon's bemused expression. 'Don't worry Sheldon, you're lucky Amy's in the dark about this. Whatever Meriel said to you is totally untrue, so just disregard it and continue to love Amy. ' he said quietly.

'Thank you for the advice, Leonard. I'm going to make some tea and turn in early. If you don't mind, please drop by Amy's and tell her...' he hesitated. The words were at the tip of his tongue. He just had to say it.

'Tell her...?' Leonard coaxed, a small smile on his face.

'I lookforwardtoseeinghertomorrow. Good night, Leonard. ' he quickly shut the door in his roommate's face.

Leonard stood silently to the side as a pair of burly policemen marched over and handcuffed a screaming Meriel. The cogs in his brain were whirring madly.

They still had a day left before their services were no longer needed here...

...why not make the best of it?

A/n: as usual... (;

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