Chapter 21-The Wolowitz Show

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Amy was aware of the scandal that blew up last night, thanks to Penny's usual skill of sniffing out gossip and news. On one hand she was relieved that Sheldon did not voluntarily sucuumb to Meriel's advances, but she was miffed that Sheldon had not even bothered to apologise for everything that had went down.

She was making her way to the ballroom of the hotel, no idea why Leonard had texted her and Penny to come. As much as she hated dressing up to what society deemed as pretty and presentable, she had donned one of Penny's gowns but drew the line at contacts - she felt way more comfortable with sturdy black specs perched on her nose.

'Lookin' gorgeous!' Penny smiled approvingly at her friend's getup as she strutted over in her kitten heels.

'Thank you, you look ravishing. ' Amy replied mildly,then glanced around the dark ballroom. 'How come th-'

'WELCOME TO THE WOLOWITZ SHOW!' A spotlight appeared on the stage, illuminating Howard's dark silhouette. Penny swooned when she saw Bernadette sat beside him, an arm curled around his lovingly.

'Aw Howie, not everything's about you.' Bernadette giggled like a high schooler.

'Of course not, it's all about you, sweetcheeks.' Howard flirted back.

Amy shifted about in her spot uncomfortably.

Howard winked at the two girls.'Ladies, please welcome our first act!'

Amy almost keeled over and Penny couldn't help but let out a loud chuckle when the spotlight shifted to stage left, where Sheldon stood.

Sheldon was a bag of nerves. He'd actually rehearsed for quite a few times now at night, but he didn't have an audience(maybe except for an annoyed Penny and a sleepy Leonard) to gauge if he was good enough. Nevertheless, he felt his heart do a strange flip when he spotted Amy looking absolutely beautiful in a dark purple dress, but feeling self-conscious at his own getup consisting of a suit and an obnoxiously loud spotted bowtie which Howard had forced him to wear.

'This song was specially made up by me, to which I dedicate to my girlfriend Amy Farrah Fowler. Enjoy, ' Sheldon said without a trace of emotion as usual, but Penny couldn't stop the grin spreading over her face and Amy could feel her heart beat irregularly.

'Thank you, Dr Cooper, for the enchanting performance. Next up, we have Leonard Hofstadter to bring you his very own rendition of tapdancing! ' Howard announced playfully.

Penny didn't know whether to laugh or cry as her boyfriend tottered awkwardly on stage. She loved him to bits but boy was he an awful dancer.

As a quick and catchy rhythem started up, she was immediately taken aback by how nimble his feet were. She didn't even notice that the music had slowed to a gentle, soothing melody, or that Leonard had descended the stage.

'Can I have this dance?' Leonard extended a hand.

Penny accepted silently and wrapped her arms around his neck as they swayed to the music, basking in each other's presence.

'So, ' she piped up, 'when did you learn to dance?'

'There are so many things you gave yet to know about me,' Leonard answered swiftly and vaguely. 'But if there's one thing you need to know... ' he moved in to her lips.

'Wait, what?' Penny pushed him away gently, trying to hide her smile.

'I love you.'

A/n: That's all folks (':
Thank you guys for supporting me  thus far with your votes and encouraging comments!!
I will be glad to start a new fanfic... if you want... x

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