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Demi's POV

I opened the door and saw the girl laying in the bed. When she saw me, I thought she was gonna pass out. She was totally speechless. All she could choke out was "De..demm.....dem...DEMI".

"Hey, Lilly, isn't it? Well I was in the black car during the accident. I just came to check on you. I'm very sorry about your mom and I wish I could do something."

Lilly's POV

"I just came to check on you." Hearing these words spoken by DEMI LOVATO to ME made me lose my breath. SHE came to see ME. "Oh..ohh my goodness.."I forced out. "Thank you, Demi..I don't know what to say. But don't worry about my mom, uh, it's complicated."

"Lilly, what's that on your arm?" 

"Uh, its from the accident," I said with uncertainty. 

"Really, because you seem to have scars all around there. Honey, why would you do this to your beautiful self?" Demi asked me, staring with her gorgeous brown eyes, which were full of concern. "Does it have to do with your mom?"

I sighed and decided I couldn't lie to my idol. After all, she'd been through so much. "Demi, my mom verbally abused me and my dad beats me and is an alcoholic. I doubt he cares that I'm here and he'll probably blame my mother's death on me somehow. I get bullied all the time and don't have a ton of friends. I've been depressed since sixth grade and haven't been happy at all during that time. But if i can be honest with you, you being here has made me feel better than I have in forever."

Demi's smile lit up the room and she practically killed me with that strong hug she sabatoged me with.


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