World of Chances

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Demi's POV

Today was the day I was finally taking Lilly to therapy. I knew she was scared, so I decided to suprise her with a picnic beforehand.

We walked hand in hand until we found a quiet spot by some trees overlooking a pond. As happy as Lilly seemed,  she was definitely off.

"Lil, I know that you're scared. But you know that they're just here to help you."

"I know Demetria. I just am really scared to open up to someone new and just throw my life story on them." She took a bite of her sandwich. "Besides, I really don't see why it'll help."

I sighed and put my arm around her. I focused my attention to the fish in the pond. Sometimes, silence was the best thing to say to someone. My thoughts were inturrupted when I felt the sweet lips of my girlfriend on mine. She stared into my eyes with intent, but I could also see nervousness and love behind them.

"Demetria, you're the best thing I've ever had in my life. You're honestly the only one who shows they care, but you mean everything to me. I know you know I don't want to go to therapy, but you're making me go because you know it's what's best for me. This is the first time anyone has ever done something like this for me. In high school, all my bullies would just call me 'emo' or 'freak' or 'attention whore' when they saw my scars. You though, you see right through all my issues and see me for who I am. Okay I'll shut up now, I'm rambling. But first, I have to tell you something."

As she spoke, I found myself tearing up. I felt something in my heart that I hadn't ever experienced. I took a breath, and asked, "what do you need to tell me?"

"I love you, Demetria Devonne Lovato."

When these words came out of her mouth, I immediately kissed her passionately. I held her head in one of my hands, her hand in the other. 

"Lilly Ann Wyatt, I love you too."

This day was going perfect. I didn't want that moment by the pond to ever end. The way she was looking at me made my heart melt. Unfortunately, we had to leave for therapy.

Lilly's POV

"I love you, Demetria Devonne Lovato." I was taking a huge risk, but it was how I felt. She took me in, kissing me softly, but with passion. When I heard her say my name and that she loved me too, I felt fireworks explode. Demetria was it. She was my first love. I was scared, no, I was terrified, but it was a risk I was willing to take. I was thinking of all the great memories to come, when Demi tapped me on the head.

"Hello, earth to Lilly, is anyone in there?"

"Hush. I was just thinking about what is yet to come of us."

"Aw babe I would love to stay and talk about it, but we have to go to therapy."

We packed up our stuff and got into the car. I finally won the argument of who gets to drive. Driving with Demetria is terrifying, but she constantly denies it. I got in the driver's seat and took a breath. It's just therapy, how bad could it go?

Little did I know that I had no idea just how bad it would be.

We pulled up to the building and walked in. I signed in and the lady at the desk said that the therapist would be right with me.

Ten minutes later, a petite women with shoulder length blonde hair and glasses came out.

"Miss Wyatt?" she asked. I nodded and she stuck out her hand. "I'm Dr. Wilson."

"Nice to meet you," I responded politely.

I shot Demi a nervous glance as Dr. Wilson took me back to her office.

The room was welcoming, pictures of her family on her desk, and of course there was a couch. I took a seat on it and took a deep breath. Dr. Wilson took a seat on her chair across from me.

"So Lilly, can you tell me why you're here?" She asked with curious eyes.

"Well, I guess I'm depressed?"

We discussed my situation and I explained how my parents were abusive, my self harm, and my suicide attempt. I had to rate how I was feeling, nothing that they show in movies where they try to dig into your subconscience and all that shit. Hearing what I had said, I was guessing I wasn't doing well and there was actually a reason why I was there. I had been feeling awful lately-even with Demi-and it was getting out of control. I had suicidal thoughts every day, and was starting to think that I might be carrying them out sometime soon. So, I was surprised when I was surprised when I heard Dr. Wilson say, "Lilly, I think you need more help than I can give you. I'm going to refer you to be evaluated at Sheppard Pratt (A/N this is a treatment center that I went to, idk I didn't feel like being cliche with sending her to TK. Okay, carry on), where they can give you more attention than I can."

Tears filled my eyes, but I held them back. "I guess so," was all I could say. I shook Dr. Wilson's hand and rushed Demetria back to the car before anyone could see me crying.

I told her about what Dr. Wilson said, and kept trying to tell her I was fine, when clearly I wasn't.

"Lilly, listen to me. I know you don't want to go, but you have to. I know treatment sounds terrifying, and it is for the first few days, but you'll come out a new person." Demi wiped my tears, and I gave in. I had no strength to argue. If this was what people wanted, fine. I was actually furious that I had no say in my future. Since I was 17, I couldn't even sign myself out if I wanted to. I didn't say a word as we pulled up to the ginormous brick building. I walked hand-in-hand with Demi as we walked up to the admissions desk.

"Uh, hi, my girlfriend's therapist referred her here to be evaluated."

"Name?" the lady behind the desk asked.

"Lilly Wyatt."

"Ah yes, we've been expecting you. One second please." The lady picked up the phone and talked to someone. A minute later, a man came and took me to a bare room. A doctor came in and asked me a bunch of questions that I had heard a billion times today. I was just relieved that I had Demetria by my side. The doctor took off his glasses like they do in the movies, pushed back his hair, and sighed. "Lilly, after hearing this, I believe you need to invest a few days inpatient here. We have a bed for you, and it's just upstairs. Your girlfriend can come when you answer more questions, but then she'll have to leave. They'll talk about visiting hours up there."

These words shattered me even more. I didn't speak a word as the doctor took me up the elevator, swiped into these double doors with a giant sign that said "1E" on them, and placed me into a room. I knew my life was about to change, and I wasn't sure if I was gonna like it.


Yay long chapters! So yeah part of this chapter is based off my experiences. I hope you guys like it! I need suggestions so please comment!

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