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Lilly's POV

Today was the day Demi and I were going to fly out to Dallas to visit her family for Thanksgiving. Saying I was terrified would be a massive understatement. I was just really scared her family wouldn't like me or accept the fact that she brought home a girl. They knew she was bringing someone, just not me.

"Lilly, hurry up and finish packing! We're going to miss our flight!" Demi called from our room.

"Okay!" I yelled back to her, throwing my razor into my bag, then zipping it up.

"Ready?" Demi asked as I came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, I guess," I said with a very weak smile. Obviously, Demi wasn't convinced at all.

"Babe, there's no need to be nervous at all. My family will love you and accept us for who we are. I know Maddie will love you and love to have someone else to talk to," she kissed me swiftly,"Besides, we're only going to be there for three days. But I bet you won't want to leave at the end. My family-our family-is so fun to hang around."

I blushed, especially with the "our family" part, and kissed her passionately. Staring into those chocolate eyes made me feel like everything could be okay.

We loaded up the car and headed to the airport.  The flight was uneventful, and I slept on Demi's shoulder for most of it. We picked up the rental and headed to Demi's parent's house. As we pulled into the driveway, I felt like I was going to puke, because I was so nervous. And I did. All over their rose bushes. As I was bent over, I felt a hand rubbing circles on my back, and another holding my hair away from my face. When I was done, Demi pulled me into an embrace. "I love you so much babe, they'll love you." She whispered this softly into my ear.

Demi walked right in, and a girl that looked about thirteen ran right into her arms. "Aw Maddie, I missed you so much baby girl!" "Dallas, great to see you!" "Mom, Eddie, thank you for having us, I missed you guys a lot!" Demi spewed out all these greetings. 

Demi's mom asked Demi, "and who is this?"

"Mom, this is my girlfriend Lilly. I'm really proud to bring her here and she'll fit in with the family just fine!"

"Oh sweetie, I'm so happy you found someone!" She turned to me, "Please, call me Dianna, and make yourself at home. Can I help you with your luggage?"

I let out a silent sign of relief. They didn't hate me. Unless they were faking it. 

It turns out Demi and I would be sharing a room, which was more than fine by me. I couldn't wait to sleep in her arms again.

Demi's POV

It was great to see my family again, but even better to have Lilly by my side. She seemed relieved that they were so welcoming to her, and her and Maddie hit it off really well. That night, she wouldn't stop talking about how amazing they were and how grateful she was that they accepted her. I shut her up with a kiss.

"You know, one day they'll be your family too. Not that they aren't now, but think about it. You'll call this place your home and we'll spend every holiday here," I said, imagining how things could be. 

"It will happen babe. Because you're all mine and nobody has every made me so happy." She whispered in my ear. 

Suddenly, she was on top of me, her kisses passionate. She asked for entrance, and I granted it. My hands slid down to her ass, and she moaned. I laughed, inturrupting the kissing.

"What?" She questioned.

"Lilly, there's a 13 year old here. Plus we don't wanna wake up my family and make them think we're fucking on our first night here." I giggled.

She bursted out in her cute little laugh.Thats one of the perfect things about her, her laugh, and how it squeaks when she's amused. A short while later, she was asleep in my arms.

"Goodnight, princess." I whispered in her ear before sliding into a deep sleep.

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