[016] whenever you're ready

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It must be a grounder. I instantly take out my knife, quietly come up to the ground. Only it isn't a grounder - it's one of the 100, over Bellamy, reloading a gun ready to kill him. What the hell? I think to myself, but then I run up behind him, and put my knife to his throat, knowing that if I have to kill him, I will.

"Put the gun down, or I will kill you." I say, confidently as the boy who's face I can't really see holds the gun towards Bellamy.

"Should've stayed down there, Ariel. I tried not to kill you, but here you are, and Shumway said no witnesses." The boy replies and I recognise his voice to be Drax. What the hell is he playing at and who the hell is Shumway?

"What are you talking about?" I exclaim, pushing the knife a little closer, it now touching his throat, as Murphy had done to me weeks ago. 

"Shumway set it up. He gave me the gun to shoot the chancellor." Bellamy says, looking to the ground, still lain on the floor.

"Walk away, Ariel, and I won't kill you." He says and I scoff in delight. 

"I think I'm the one with the upper hand here, Drax. You put the gun down, and I won't kill you." I order. 

"Your choice." Drax says and he unexpectedly pulls me over making me land on my back and my knife come out of my hand. I groan in pain as he comes towards me, ready to shoot me. I manage to get on my arms and knees, crawling towards a tree and standing behind it as he fires at me, missing every time, to my luck.

I hear Bellamy fighting him and I start to search around the ground for my knife but it's nowhere to be found. I then realise Drax is now  on top of Bellamy, and if I don't do anything right now, he'll kill him. So I decide to run up to them, hoping to push Drax off him, but I'm too loud and Drax pushes me down and I collide with the ground harshly, watching the two hopelessly. Bellamy then picks up my knife and stabs Drax in the throat with it. We both watch in shock, as Drax falls to the ground, blood coming out of his mouth and all his breath leaving him. He's dead. I look up at Bellamy and see the hurt in his eyes. 

He just killed someone, for the first time.

I pant and rest up against a tree and Bellamy comes up next to me, I gently place a hand on his shoulder, comfortingly. "It's ok Bellamy, you're ok." I comfort him, as we lay next to each other on the tree, the body of Drax in front of us. I know how Bellamy must be feeling now, after killing someone for the very first time. I felt it too. The feeling of being a monster. It sucks.

"No, I'm not. My mother, if she knew what I've done, who I am...she raised me to be better, to be good." Bellamy confesses, his arms over his knees and head bent down, covered in blood. He's not just talking about Drax anymore. He's talking about everything.


"All I do is hurt people. I'm a monster." Bellamy sniffles and I watch him shaking my head, because I know that he isn't a monster. He has done a lot of bad things, that I can't argue against but so have all of us. It doesn't define who you are, just like he told me before. 

"Bellamy, you saved my life today - and an uncountable amount of times before that. The reason that most of us are alive right now is because of you." I begin, softly, watching as Bellamy still looks tearfully to the ground. "You've done a lot of bad things, that parts true. But does that make you a monster? Not at all. Not in my eyes." He then meets my eyes for the first time. "You have a good heart Bellamy, anyone can see that. You have to come back with me." I tell him.

"Jaha will kill me when he comes down." Bellamy breathes out.

"I won't let him do that." I assure him. And I mean it. A couple weeks ago I'd wanted Jaha to do just that, or at the very least lock him up. But the man I'm looking at now, the person who's saved my life countless times, who was kind to a child who murdered someone, who helped us build a wall, find guns and protect our camp no matter the consequences it had on him - I wouldn't let anyone hurt him. I'd proved that to him and myself today. "I promise." I tell him, truthfully, with all that in mind with a nod.

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